War in Ukraine, Analytics. Day 838 (part1): What Are the Components of a Possible Defeat?

2 days ago

In today's war diary, Nikolai Feldman and Alexey Arestovich discussed the main news on the 838th day of war (part1):

➤ 00:00 Situation at the front: attempts to advance by Russian army in the Kharkov direction, tactical combat operations without significant advance in the Kupyansk direction; Borovaya, Liman, Belogorovka, Chasov Yar; The enemy has prospects in the areas of Kleshcheevka and Andreevka; Kurakhovo, Ugledar; Zaporizhzhya Front - Rabotino is under occupation again, fighting in the Krynki region, pinned down Russian troops.
➤ 09:20 What is causing the slowdown at the front? Assumptions about the need for monthly replenishment of Russian army.
➤ 12:36 Corruption scheme in the Ukrainian Defense Forces as investigated by People's Deputy Maryana Bezuglaya.
➤ 18:06 Reverse accumulation of experience and grinding down of the Ukrainian army.
➤ 27: 24 Transformations in the Armed Forces of Ukraine: crazy order to battalion commanders.
➤ 32:54 Typical military operations - defense to the last soldier, leveling the front line, holding positions - how to solve the problem of the extremely low level of organization in the Armed Forces of Ukraine?
➤ 43:40 Generals far removed from the realities of modern wars. Army lacks the basis - combat orders.
➤ 46:50 "The senior in command" is the army’s verdict.
➤ 49:02 Social background and lack of communication between the military and society.
➤ 54:17 Bezuglaya’s attack on the ground forces clan - what to do with the current situation, where to get trained military personnel and how to control them?

Ukraine War Chronicles and Analytics with Alexey Arestovych and Nikolay Feldman @ALPHAMEDIACHANNEL

Olexiy Arestovych (Kiev): Advisor to the Office of Ukraine President : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oleksiy_Arestovych
Official channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjWy2g76QZf7QLEwx4cB46g

Nikolay Feldman - Ukranian journalist, social researcher, blogger.

💳 Fundraiser is under Alexeys Original Stream in Russian: https://youtu.be/b-KdZXKVERU

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