Episode 2313 From Heart to Holiness - Morning Episode

18 hours ago

Today, we explore the transformative power of changing our hearts. Our reflections are guided by the wisdom of St. Benedict of Nursia, the insightful words of J. Augustine Wetta, O.S.B., and the eternal truth found in Psalm 119:89-91. Together, we will uncover how embracing our divine dignity and practicing self-abasement can lead to a deeper sense of confidence, freedom, and a more profound relationship with God.
The Wisdom of St. Benedict: Changing Your Heart
St. Benedict of Nursia, the father of Western monasticism, offers a simple yet profound truth:
"You change your life by changing your heart." — St. Benedict of Nursia
This statement invites us to look inward and examine the state of our hearts. According to St. Benedict, true transformation begins not with external actions but with an interior conversion. This heart-centered approach aligns with the teachings of Christ, who emphasizes the importance of inner purity and love.
In the Rule of St. Benedict, the saint outlines a path of humility, prayer, and community life as a means of changing one's heart. By embracing these practices, we open ourselves to God's grace and allow His love to reshape our desires, thoughts, and actions. This internal transformation is the foundation of a holy life, leading us closer to God and enabling us to reflect His love in the world.
J. Augustine Wetta on Divine Dignity and Self-Abasement
J. Augustine Wetta, O.S.B., in his reflection, highlights a common struggle among believers: the misconception that we must earn God's love. He reminds us that "Every human being is infinitely loved and infinitely precious. We haven't earned that divine dignity; it is a gift. Nonetheless, we convince ourselves that we must somehow show ourselves worthy of God's love that if we are charming or charitable or brave enough, He will feel obliged to reward us. Self-abasement is the antidote to this delusion. It is the practice of reminding ourselves that we are nothing without God's grace and will never earn it. Ironically, this healthy sense of nothingness, understood correctly, brings with it a deeper sense of confidence and freedom." –J. Augustine Wetta, O.S.B
This realization is crucial for our spiritual journey. Understanding that God's love is unconditional and freely given liberates us from the pressure to prove our worth.
Wetta introduces the concept of self-abasement as the antidote to this delusion. Self-abasement is not about self-deprecation but rather a humble acknowledgment of our dependence on God's grace. He writes, "It is the practice of reminding ourselves that we are nothing without God's grace and will never earn it." This healthy sense of nothingness brings about a paradoxical sense of confidence and freedom. When we recognize our complete reliance on God, we are freed from the burden of self-sufficiency and can fully trust in His providence.
Psalm 119: The Eternal Word and Faithfulness of God
Psalm 119:89-91 offers a powerful reminder of God's unchanging nature and His faithfulness through all generations: "For ever, O Lord, thy word is firmly fixed in the heavens. Thy faithfulness endures to all generations; thou hast established the earth, and it stands fast. By thy appointment they stand this day; for all things are thy servants."

This passage underscores the stability and reliability of God's word. In a world of constant change, we can find solace in the steadfastness of God's promises. His faithfulness is not limited to a specific time or people but extends to all generations. This assurance provides a firm foundation for our faith, encouraging us to trust in God's plan and His unwavering love.
As we reflect on the wisdom of St. Benedict, J. Augustine Wetta, and the timeless truth of Psalm 119, we are reminded that true transformation begins with a change of heart. Embracing our divine dignity, practicing self-abasement, and trusting in God's eternal faithfulness are essential steps in this journey. Let us strive to cultivate hearts that are open to God's grace, allowing His infinite love to guide and transform our lives.
Thank you for joining us on this episode and may these insights inspire you to deepen your relationship with God and embrace the transformative power of His love. Until next time, may God's peace be with you.

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