Article 4929 Video - International Public Notice: About Language By Anna Von Reitz

7 months ago

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Article 4929 Video - International Public Notice: About Language - Wednesday, July 10, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

Our country's official language is English and it is plain old everyday English. We don't use PARSE SYNTAX and we don't use Legalese or Latin or diplomatic French for any of our own work, declarations, correspondence, public laws--- no "codes". Nothing like that.

Our country is honest and straightforward and our history and our documentation is also.

We do not entertain puns or oxymorons or mixed grammars (such as Latin grammar using English words) or arcane jargon or specially concocted "legal terms" and "special definitions" and "coded meanings" for any purpose whatsoever.

Our aim is to make our communications crystal clear at all times. Period.

The English language is arguably not the best vehicle to accomplish our goal, owing to its multifaceted sources, abundant synonyms, often awkward linkages between subjects and objects, use of pronouns and adverbs, etc.

Still, it's our official language and we do our best with it, and take pains to recognize and address possible confusions arising from the misuse and abuse of English for purposes of regulatory fraud and mischief over the course of several hundred years.

For example, our discussion of the meanings of "state" found in court cases and public documents and the use of "person" to mean "corporation" in Federal Government usage and the word "resident" to mean a foreign citizen here temporarily while in public service and jargon "non-resident alien" being applied to Americans who purportedly have "Federal Income" without, however, having received "federal" paychecks or jobs.

The word "federal" itself is problematic. In the 1824 Webster's Dictionary it is clearly identified as a synonym completely interchangeable with the word "contract".

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