Is The Mummy 1999 the Best Mummy Movie?

7 months ago

If it has ever been up for discussion which if the greatest Mummy movie, your Horror Host Inkarnate is on the scene to settle the debate. Move over 1932 Film, no one remembers you anyway. Watch your step in them shoe lifts Tom Cruise. The Hammer Mummy films, do I even? Listen in as I breakdown all the elements and icon moments that this classic film brought together and brought to life. Follow me on this adventure as we trek the annals of Ancient History and discover the lost treasures that this film conjured to give the Mummy its definitive film and make Brendan Fraser a star. I go through meticulous detail explaining all the overlooked ingredients of Egyptian Myth that are woven into the plot. I'll go so far as the Remind you of the small details and memorable scenes that transformed a C-list, B-Movie into a epic that brought its A Game. This film analysis is certainly one for the ages.

01:13 Brendan Fraser Deserves your Respect
02:40 This Movie is NOT Racist
04:37 The OG Mummy is a Dracula Rip-off
06:41 The Benny Character
08:25 Similarities to Hellraiser
10:25 What The Mummy's got Right
12:08 Movie Trivia
14:00 Casting Call
15:33 Director's Chair
20:10 Film Recommendations

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