Chinese Student Pleads Guilty to Engaging in Espionage

7 months ago

07/09/2024 A Chinese student named Shi Fengyuan pleaded guilty on Monday to using a drone to take photos of a U.S. Navy shipyard. The FBI found photos and videos of sensitive U.S. naval vessels inside the drone. He could face up to two years in prison and fines of up to $200,000.
#ChineseStudent #Espionage #NewportNewsShipyard #China≠CCP≠Chinese
07/09/2024 一位名叫史凤云(音译)的中国留学生在周一承认了用无人机拍摄美国海军造船厂照片的罪行。联邦调查局在无人机内发现了美国海军敏感舰艇的照片和视频。他可能面临最高两年的监禁和高达20万美元的罚款。
#中国留学生 #间谍活动 #纽波特纽斯造船厂 #中国≠中共≠中国人

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