Reaction to Candace Owens, Nick Fuentes, X Censorship, Psych Meds, and General Stupidity

7 months ago

Jul 10, 2024
I wanted to explain my recent X posts, clarify my stance on censorship, explain our autoimmune/allergies and why those resulted in being misdiagnosed and treated with dangerous medications, respond to Candace Owen’s recent video attacking my dad and I, and explain my views on the alarming rising rate of anti-semitism. I was somewhat flustered so hopefully this video is clear. Even though I’m not concerned about the opinion of people who post videos for click-bait or trolls on the internet, when my family is gone after it does bother me.

Info on protracted and bi-phasic anaphylaxis (hard to know exactly the type of anaphylaxis my dad and I get from certain foods/medications is - it’s definitely protracted but also seems to be bi-phasic - it’s extremely unpleasant and scary and it does take us about a month to recover from fully):

It took years to figure out what was going on, which is why there was some confusion while my Dad was sick. Given these severe allergic reactions were caused by a number of different foods and we didn’t ever have a doctor that even considered protracted anaphylaxis, it was always misdiagnosed as anxiety. It’s really unfortunate because the symptoms were pretty classic (albeit protracted and biphasic anaphylaxis is rare and together it’s even rarer) however now we have epi-pens and know so… that’s good?

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