Spellbringers Nature (Read Disclaimer): Warcraft 3 Altered Melee Let's Play

3 days ago

Disclaimer: The Shaela's Chosen Spellbringers structure has boobs with shading indicative (or at least on this version of the mod) of nipples, I censored this as unlike famous rap artists, I cannot get away with showing uncensored lady nipples on YouTube, selective enforcement much. Hopefully some brave soul mentions selective enforcement and biased censorship in court.

This is a showcase of a unique Altered Melee experience called Spellbringers and it's Order Faction. Spellbringers is a total conversion that changes the game into a unique experience with new units, and custom models, there are no heroes but each faction has access to the unique Spellbringer building which channels energy from "godly realms" to cast many different spells, each unique to their faction.

The Nature Faction of Spellbringers follows Shaela, the goddess of life and nature, her followers consists of elves, treefolk, faeries and wild animals. Her Spellbringer allows you to cast Grasping Vines which immobilizes a enemy ground unit for 6 seconds, Spirit Owl which summons a Spirit Owl to scout at a target point, Entwines causes forest roots to bind to a friendly structure, repairing the structure and attacking nearby enemies for 35 seconds, Murder of Crows which creates a murder of crows at a target friendly unit that peck at the eyes of enemy units dealing 15 Striking damage and blinds hit enemies, reducing their damage by half, Beast Within transforms a unit into a powerful T-Rex for 45 seconds, Cloud of Mist is exactly what it says "on the tin" and fogs a target area causing spells and attacks to miss for the units inside the mist, Call Great Stag summons a spell immune stag spirit that increases movement speed of and grants health regeneration to friendly units.

Units include: Hold allows you to train the building and gathering units Artisan and Dendroid Treeherd. Trainable from the Hall of Warriors are Archer (basic ranged elf), Ranger (upgraded Archer), Looter (nimble scout unit that can set buildings on fire and loot gold and lumber from corpses), Phalanx (front line infantry that provides a armor bonus to adjacent units), Enchantress (Elf magician that casts thorn armor to boost unit health and has Leech Seed to turn foes into saplings). Haven allows you to procure Sprite (a brittle magic attacker and support unit that can turn invisible and heal allies outside of combat), Giant Toad (a toad with a spitting attack and can leap long distances), Blight Widow (long ranged venom spitter which coats the ground in ichor and can bolster friendly structures with the Silkwrap ability), Dendroid Warrior (a durable treeant warrior that can learn Canopy Cover to give nearby allies a armor boosting aura). Sky Totem allows you to procure Coatl (swift flying unit with a stronger air attack than ground), Ravenlord (flying beast that can carry allies into and out of battle), Faerie Dragon (flying spellcaster that can detect invisible units, remove mana from enemy spellcasters with Null Bomb and use Whirlwind to lift units into the sky), Green Dragon (heavy unit with a strong acid attack).

Spellbringers can be found on HiveWorkshop.

If you like video game mod gameplay, check out my YouTube Channel and Facebook page. I'm also on Instagram.

0:00: I must disclaim I had to censor some nudity in this video, this video looks at the Spellbringers Nature Faction, Spellbringers is a total conversion for Warcraft 3 that changes the game into a RTS experience with a spellbringer structure that casts powerful spells.

0:29: The Artisan and Sapling can build most buildings but a few builidings, including the nature's faction Spellbringer, can only be built by the Dendroid Treeherd.

0:45: I had to censor the Shaelas Chosens breasts. There was shading hinting at nipples and unlike famous music artists, I can't get away with showing uncensored nipples here.

1:38: The Nature Faction has a lot of elf units.

2:16: Waiting for the Shaela's Chosen to be built before I can look at the spell descriptions.

2:41: Shaela's Chosens spellbringer powers.

2:52: a murder of crows to peck at the enemies eyes, thats kinda dark.

3:04: I'm pretty sure controlling a T-Rex is the wet dream of every beastmaster.

4:02: Repair that tower.

4:38: The Haven trains sprites, frogs, spiders, and dendroid treeants.

5:48: Good the Artisan is available.

7:02: Acid Breath, probably smells really bad.

7:33: Spellbringers Nature faction flying units.

8:09: Dendroid Elder upgrades.

10:36: Let's speed things up.

11:12: Now we approach the enemy.

12:06: looks like they're going to attack our base, not if I intercept them.

12:46: Now we continue our attack.

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