Episode 306: The Incarnation and the bodies of men and angels Part 1

7 months ago

Hello everyone. In tonight's Bible study we continue with our series Foundation: Revelation, Purpose, & Determined.

Tonight we are discussing God's purpose for the incarnation of Jesus Christ, and the bodies of men & angels.

You may be saying, wait a minute Kevin, angels do not have bodies. May I kindly ask you, where did you read that in the book?

You say, God called them ministering spirits.
Hebrews 1:14
Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?

Yes, I agree with you on that point however that is simply stating that they are residents of the spirit realm. When you and I die from this world, we will enter the spirit realm and we will have a body. Think the rich man and Lazarus. Think Moses and Elijah with the Lord Jesus on the mountain. Think about how the prophet Ezekiel gave a detailed description of the Cherubim and Isaiah describe the Seraphim. If they can be described then they have visible BODIES.

Why did the Lord Jesus take upon Himself the likeness of the body of a Man and not an angel?

Let's find out together from the scriptures.

Today's study is 1 hours and 9 minutes in duration. I have broken it into two segments. This is segment 1 of 2 titled The Incarnation and the bodies of men and angels. Part 1.

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