"Nucleus" with Wallace Wagner

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Join Deb and Arjay as they interview him on his third book in the trilogy, "the Nucleus: My Religion in the Rear-View Mirror"
Here in the Nucleus, Wallace Wagner delves deep into the heart of the matter. Here in the
Nucleus, outer layers of dust, white-wash, filth, and debris are cast off. Here in the Nucleus, we
find a precious kernel. If you have read Wally’s previous books you will know that the journey to
this place has not been easy. Many of you will have had similar experiences. Experiences that may have begun with a single instant – a mere heartbeat, but whose reconciliation with reality is an ongoing, perhaps lifelong, quest.
Wallace Wagner has emerged without fear, and stands before us now with inscrutable questions. He ferociously tears down the house of cards built on pat answers and sanctimonious attitudes. He pushes past gatekeepers of ancient secrets to meet face to face with the Elohim, Yahweh, and Yeshua. He silences the reverberating throngs of copycats and parrots to listen only to the original voice. This is a voice that emanates from the Nucleus. It began emanating many
thousands of years ago, when the Earth was fresh and yet unspoiled by lies, and it continues emanating today – a low rumble you can feel only in your gut. A still small voice carried on a gentle breeze in the wilderness.
The “word of God” as many call it, may not be what we have been told, but it still packs a powerful punch in its revelation of truth. To find its truth one must read past the rhetoric. One must ignore what “so and so” has to say about it and read it directly. We must learn to listen with our hearts as well as with our minds. It is only then that myriad surprises can be revealed from within the Nucleus.
- Ken Goudsward, author of UFOs In The Bible and Before Roswell

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