Prophet Julie Green - The Establishment Is About to Tear Itself Apart - Captions

7 months ago

In this prophetic word from God, he warns his children of the ravenous wolves who are coming to destroy truth, freedom, and justice. He reassures them not to fear, as the enemies will overreach and ultimately destroy themselves. God promises that the establishment is tearing itself apart and spies will be exposed, leading to their removal. He encourages his children to stand firm and declare the fall of their enemies, as he is ready to heal their land. He also reassures "his David" that he will show him another way and set him free from tyranny.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:


Today’s Scriptures:

1 John 4:4
Ps. 56:3-4
Isa. 54:17
2 Cor. 2:14
Job 6:23-24
Job 22:28
Num. 13:30-33
Heb. 13:8
Jer. 1:12
John 16:33
Eph. 6:13
Rom. 10:17
Ps. 94:15
Heb. 10:30
Ps. 94:22-23
Ps. 78:6-10
2 Cor. 5:7
Prov. 16:18
Hos. 4:6
Matt. 24:24
Ex. 14:13-14
Ps. 37:9-10, 12-13, 18-19, 25


COPYRIGHT 2024 Julie Green Ministries International


PROPHECY INDEX:www.prophecyindex.org



Good morning, everybody. Today is Tuesday. And it's July 2nd of 2024. And I want to thank each and every one of you for joining today's live show today. I actually will be on two live shows today. This one I'll be on with Alphavetz here on Rumble. And that will be at 10am. Central time. So just in a few hours away from now, I'll be back on with Alphabets.

They are some amazing men and they are veterans and they have served our country and it's, I love being on that show. So if you want to see me again, if you want to join us, it's Alphabets on Rumble channel, and I know some of our moderators. We'll be putting that in the comment section or the live chat for you to have that link To join us at 10 o'clock and I know most of you saw what happened yesterday with the supreme court We were praying about that.

We've been standing on the word about that god has been prophesying about that And it was ruled the way it needed to be ruled. And so no matter what the enemies want, now, all of a sudden you're starting to see the enemies God has been giving, he gave me an amazing, amazing prophecy this morning about what we're going to see even more;

with a ruling like this what we are going to see even more in the coming months and the coming even days How the enemy is going to expose themselves even more because they're angry. They're angry. They're they're fearful They're afraid and so we're starting to see that that god's people no matter what it looks like For some of the body of christ But some of God's people are seriously, they are perfected in their faith.

They're getting stronger all the time. They're starting to know their authority. They're starting to know what to do and what to say and how to pray. And God is starting to answer our prayers because we're starting to pray in faith. We're starting to pray with more authority. We're knowing exactly the will of God and what he wants.

It is not a man made doctrine. It is not some legalistic. It's not some tradition It is the written Word of God and we're seeing it being performed in front of our eyes God is on the move and it's so amazing because I was in there and you know in bed last night I go to bed about an hour hour and a half or so before I actually go to sleep in order to pray with the Lord and I started, you know praying some things that has been going on in my own life and and what it looks like to be You know, worst case scenarios all over the place.

And one of the things that God reminded me of and what he's reminding you of is it's always the darkest. It's always looking the most impossible, the most overwhelming. You have the most pressure to give up, to quit. You have the most outlandish circumstances in your face that are just screaming at you to get you to give up and quit.

And if you just. Hold on to the word of God. Hold on to the truth. Hold on to his promises. Hold on to his goodness. You will see him move so, so fast on your behalf, no matter what it looks like. Because there are times when you're at that breaking point of the biggest breakthrough of your life You will be at a breaking point with your feelings with your mind in order to give you that pressure To stop your enemy wants to stop you right before that breakthrough He wants you to stop right before you see your faith and trust in god and manifest And so what we have to do as children of the Most High God is we have to be those people that will brush off all the pressure.

We will push past it, we will push through it, and we will trust in Almighty God that He will see us through it all. Because He is the God who's the greater one who lives on the inside of us. That he that's in the world. And I know there's so many people going through the toughest times of their life right now, the toughest circumstances they've ever experienced, the toughest fight in your minds and of the thoughts that the enemy is trying to put thoughts in your head of quitting and a failure and have defeat and that you're not good enough and that faith is not working and you don't see anything happening,

and life is getting worse. And that's the greatest indication that, you know, exactly what you're doing is the right thing to do because you put your enemy in terror, you put your enemy in fear because when he is terrorizing you more, you know, he is, he is in fear himself because he doesn't want another child of the most high God.

To believe and trust in God, he wants you to quit. He wants you to turn your back away from God. He doesn't want you to stand in faith. He doesn't want you to fight that good fight of faith. He doesn't want to see, have you see your prayers be answered. He wants you to give up right before. And I know there's times where I just wanted to give up and quit.

And it's like, if I can just hold on five more minutes, if I can just hold on five more minutes, I can hold on for five more minutes. And sometimes that five minutes turned into five hours or five months or even sometimes five years But if you hold on and just say father god I'm, not gonna let go because if I could have that break there in five more minutes And I could not live with myself knowing if I were just held on for five more minutes I would have gotten that answer.

So i'm telling you just hold on hold on to the faithfulness And the assurity of almighty god that he is the what you need He is that way maker. He is that one you can trust he will not fail you and I and I know Trust me. I know people fail. I know people can betray you You And you can see that all over the place.

Christians are just, I don't know. I don't know what happened except for there has been a deception, but God, God is waking people up. God is turning people back to him and trusting, relying on him that we can't rely on self. We can't rely on our own ability, our own strength. We lie on God. And I'm telling you, we're put in situations that are impossible, and that's when God of the impossible shows up.

And so when the enemy's screaming, that's impossible, you sit there and scream, you know what? God is a God who nothing is impossible, and he's about to show up in my life. And so we are at a pivotal moment. In our walk of faith, we're at a pivotal moment in our nations. We're at a pivotal moment where God is doing that great awakening, where things are going to shake violently against our enemy.

But if we see those things shake against our violently against our enemies, we know that our victory. Is at hand and it is we're going to see a victory in this land. And so I want to give you something just just an encouragement before I get to this prophetic word this morning and this is psalm 56 Psalm 56 and verse, three it says what time i'm afraid I will have confidence and put my trust and reliance in you verse four by the help of god I will praise his words and god.

I will lean rely and confidently put my trust I will not fear what can man who is flesh Do to me So even the times when you are fearful and afraid i'm telling you worry fear Anxiety are growing in intensity right now against the body of christ in this world You And what we have to do is in that time where those things are growing in intensity We have to know right here.

I will have confidence and put my trust and reliance on you god I will not rely on those feelings I will not trust in the things that i'm seeing because I will walk by faith. I will not walk by sight I will trust in your word because your word stands forever And your word will not fail And Heavenly Father, you also said in your word, because I have the greater one living on the inside of me and is greater than the enemy.

So it doesn't matter how big my enemy might appear in my face this very day. I will rest assured and know that you are greater than my enemy and you are the solution to every problem that I see in front of my face. There's things that we have to repeat on a daily basis. This is that in part where you're encouraging yourself in the Lord.

Sometimes it's hard to pick yourself back up. Trust me. I know it is. Some days are harder than other days to pick yourself up, brush yourself off and start trusting in God. Again, there's a lot of hurting going on in the body of Christ right now. There's a lot of betrayal. There's a lot of worry. There's a lot of fear and anxiety and impossible situations.

It has grown in the body of Christ. And God says, that's because we are at this moment in time where the church is arising over all the tests, all the trials, because God says in this word, in Isaiah 54, 17, No weapon forming against me shall prosper, and every tongue that rise against me I shall condemn and show to be in the wrong.

You should also look up the scripture in 2 or sorry, 2 and 14, 2 Corinthians 2 and 14, and it says that He always leads me into a triumphant victory. God leads us always into triumph, or He always leads us into victory. And how do we know that? How do we rest assured in that fact? Because He is Jehovah Nissi.

He is our banner. He is our victory. God is our victory. He is victory. He has victory. And He has guaranteed it. Because what Jesus has already done for us. So even though it looks like you're losing. And even though the battle has been long. And it seems like it's wearing you out. You tap into the strength of Almighty God.

You tap You tap in and you trust him that it's his strength that will get you through it all because he will, no matter how overwhelming it may be for you, no matter how dark your situation may seem, God will give you strength and God is your light. That destroys that darkness in your life. So hold on to God.

Okay. So I want to read this prophetic word. I was actually going to go with another one this morning. One I actually heard last week, and this is the one he actually gave me for today. So, I actually gave it to me very, very early this morning. It's called the establishment is about to tear itself apart.

This is the prophetic word. And I heard it this morning, the very early morning hours of July 2nd

For I the Lord this day, I'm telling my children, the ravenous wolves are coming out of their caves from their hiding places. To try and devour what is left of truth, freedom, or anything good. Don't panic and do not fear what you hear or what you see from the jackals and from the puppet or the puppet masters.

This is the time to push back with my word. They have pushed you, pressured you, tried to break you, kill you, and destroy your liberty. Destroy your freedom, or your justice, and then control the world with their narrative and their lies. Don't you see them foaming at the mouth and fear is consuming them. A great panic has set in.

This is that time. There was no way for them to win.

Watch their overreach - will be more prideful and arrogant on their next moves against this nation. But you know, pride comes before a fall. They know there is no option where my David can take that seat of the president back. You will see greater and more desperate attempts to destroy him and your justice system.

They are too arrogant to see what is right in front of their face. And that is me. You will watch them tear themselves apart. You will watch them try more injustice. You will see them try spinning more of the truth and their narrative, but it will all fall apart. There were whispers in the enemy's camp.

And now there are massive arguments. How did these things leak? Who keeps exposing us? How do they know our plans, when we have been careful on who hears them? They don't see my infiltrators, my children. They don't believe my prophets have been sent to tell their secrets, to have my body pray against their plans.

Can you see it, my children? The words I have spoken are playing out in front of your eyes. I Am bringing them down. They are collapsing. They are failing. Everywhere you look.

My nation is awakening. My children, my church is awakening. Some of my children, you know your authority. Even when your enemies tried so desperately to keep it from you. The Great Awakening is here. So, my children, great is your reward for those who believe in my words and hold on to them.

This is the time of my children. This is the time for my church to be in control and wicked to be cut off and removed from where they are now. Start to celebrate, my children. The time you have been praying for and waiting for is here, saith the lord of hosts

My David, you have received bad advice. It looks one way regarding that judge in that case. You don't have to be that kind of martyr You don't have to take be taken prisoner You don't need that type of persecution to get the point across to this nation or to show that justice system is corrupt Believe and trust in my words *Prison is not for you!*

Despite what you have heard, or what it looks like, that choice is not your enemies to hand down. Believe me, and I will show you another way. My son, I Am the judge that rules, and I have ruled in this case, and my gavel will come down against the ones who are against you. You *are* my David, so *believe and trust* in me now!

Receive the words from the Lord, the One who has chosen you and anointed you. The next moves are mine to give, so ask me, and I'll be the one to completely set you free from this tyranny. Sayeth the Lord of hosts.

There are spies in your land, O United States, that are about to be revealed. Yes, they are about to be exposed in front of this nation. My children, I told you an unmasking has begun in a major way.

The establishment is tearing itself apart. A division has grown to another level. I told you they are turning on each other to save themselves, but none of it will work. They will overplay their hand, and expose themselves even more.

My children, shout them out! Shout them down! Declare their fall! Declare their failure! Declare their exposure and removals! I will honor my word to remove them all. So stand and keep standing. Don't quit now. It's almost over. The movie you have watched Is about to come to an end so get ready because I Am ready to heal your land, saith the lord your Redeemer.

So in this word this morning, this is something that he has been telling us he has been showing us. He has been telling us to declare and decree Because, just like you can see in Job, I want you guys to turn to Job, because in, not many people read the book of Job in all of Job stands for. People just see Job as, Job, you feel sorry for Job because Job went through this horrible time, but Job had great revelations even though he kind of forgot the revelations at times.

Go to Job chapter 6, Job chapter 6 and verse 23, it says, deliver me from my enemy's hand or redeem me from the hand of the oppressors. Verse 24, teach me and I will hold my tongue. Cause me to understand where I have erred. How forceful are righteous men. Words Job even knew how forceful right words are.

You can also see in Job 22 and verse 28, job 22 and verse 28, and it says, you shall also decide in decree thing and it shall be established for you, and the light of God's favor shall shine. Upon your ways when you decree a thing, it shall be established. Let's look at the word decree and what it means

because God wants us to decree all the time. Decree means an official order issued by a legal authority. Well, if God is giving us words to decree. God is our legal authority. He is a judge over all the earth. He rules over the entire earth because he's the creator of this earth and he has obviously the full legal justice on his side.

He is God. The god over all the earth. So he's telling you the right words to decree He's telling you again a decree is an official order issued by a legal authority God is our legal authority and he's telling us to decree or to agree He's telling us to decree a thing, but he's also telling us with those right words to agree He's telling us to shout our enemies down.

He's telling us that our enemies to shout that they will be exposed. He's telling us to shout that their plans will fail and falter in front of their face. He's telling us to say these things because he wants us to be in agreement with his plan. So that's why we're supposed to decree a thing. That's why the decrees and declarations, if you want to go to our blog post on our website at JGM international.

org under our blog, you can see the decrees and declarations. These are marching orders that God has given to us through these prophetic words that the team has so timely spend so much time on these and they put them on there for you. So go check those out, because in these prophetic words, God is giving us marching orders, decrees, declarations, things for us to say, things for us to do, and to be in agreement with Him.

This is that time where our enemies are wanting us to agree with them, and say everything that's opposite of what God is saying. Now remember, that happened in the book of Numbers 13. Right before they could have walked right into the promise land. I have to go back to that. The Lord is taking me back there again.

He wants you to hear this very specifically because the promise land was already there's. To have just like he's already promised us our land There are lands our freedom and justice will be served. That's the report of the lord That's what we're supposed to be decreeing. We thank you father god We decree and declare that this nation is one nation under god.

We thank you We declare and decree father god. This nation is has justice being served We declare and decree father god we Thank you that our liberties, that we have them, that the enemy cannot take them away, cannot take our freedoms away because you're the one who gave us those freedoms. And so we declare our freedom this very day, father, God, that's the report that we should believe.

And that's what we should be in agreement with, but you also have the enemies shouting there. They're just there. Like I said, God even said the ravenous wolves, they're coming out of their caves. They're going to reveal who they are even more than they already have. We think they've already exposed themselves and then we've already seen, they don't care about justice at all.

They don't care about truth at all. They only care about their narrative and they only care about their plan and they only care about their party and they only care about their establishment and they don't care about their rule of law. They don't care about the righteous. Rule of law. They don't care about our constitution.

They don't care about our declaration of independence They don't care about the foundation of this country. They don't care about any of those things They don't even care about us at all. We're just peasants in their sight But we have to realize that they don't have that control just like the giants in the land of the promised land They didn't have control of that promised land.

They were there And it looked like they were in control, but they didn't have that control. God was saying, look, he said it through Joshua and Caleb. Okay. I've been quoting this. Go to numbers 13. It's important for you to see it. I want you to see it

because he wants you to see it. Numbers 13. Now, again, there's two reports. You have an evil report, and you have a good report. The evil report is your enemy, and it's a lie. It may appear real, but it's not. And then you have God's report, which is the good report, and it seems virtually impossible. Okay? But, we walk by faith.

If God's people, if we just walked into that promised land and believed the report of Joshua and Caleb, which was God's, they never would have wandered in the wilderness.

They disobeyed God. They didn't remind themselves how big God was. Go to Numbers 13 and verse 30. Caleb quieted the people before Moses and said, let us go up at once and possess it. We are well able to conquer it. God is telling us we are well able to conquer, to conquer the establishment and the evil and the corruption in our nations.

We are well able to conquer it because why we have a lion of the tribe of Judah who lives on the inside of us? We have the greater one that lives on the inside of us that he that's in the world So we have the greater one with us than the one who's against us and remember like we were listening to with Gaze I and Elijah yesterday and second Kings There is more that is with us than there is with them.

It may not look that way. There are so many people that come against and persecute people like me, who are talking about a good report, who are talking about the will and the plan of Almighty God, because it doesn't appear that way. Who cares what it appears like? We either trust God or we don't. We're either believers or we don't.

Of christ believers of the blood covenant believers that god is the same god yesterday today and forever Or we're not Believers are meant to believe Meant to believe what the will and the word of almighty god More they believe anything else God's word will stand forever, and he's faithful to perform his word.

So let's see here, in Numbers 30, again, Caleb and Joshua said, Look, we are well able to conquer it. God is telling us we are well able to conquer our enemies. Verse 31, this is The same people, the same group, the same group who saw the Red Sea, the same group who saw all the judgments, or the plagues in Egypt, they're the same group who saw the water, the same group who saw the manna, same group, look what, what his fellow scout said.

We are not able to go up against the people of Canaan, for they are stronger than we are. We have people in the body of Christ right now that's saying the exact same thing.

Which report do you believe? Is it God's? But, Julia, it looks this way. I don't care what it looks like. It looked like, for the children of Israel, They couldn't go possess that land because the giants were there.

But this is where we have to put our faith at work and trust God more than our feelings. Trust God more than it looks like. Verse 32. So they brought the Israelites an evil report. What's an evil report? We've talked about this before. An evil report is a report that's contrary. To the report of God, this is where we, as a body of Christ, and I will tell you, I've had my team had to encourage me more than ever before, and I've had to get into the word of God and encourage myself more than I ever have in my life.

The pressure is on. And I'm saying that to tell you that even though the pressure may be on you to quit, on you to be overwhelmed, to be discouraged. Hold on to numbers 13 because I'm not done with that one yet. Go to John 16

in verse 33. John 16 33. I've told you these things that in me you may have perfect peace and confidence. In him we have perfect peace and confidence. We're gonna need his perfect peace and confidence. Why? He's telling us why right here. In the world you have tribulation, trials, and distress, and frustration, but be of good cheer, take courage, be confident, certain, and undaunted, for I have overcome the world, I deprive it of its power to harm you, and I have conquered it for you.

Failure and defeat are not In your future, failure and defeat are not in a child of God's future. And we have to get that down deep in our hearts that failure and defeat are not in our future. Even though it looks like failure and defeat is inevitable.

This is where we have to fight like never before. This is not where things get easy. This is where things, right before they break wide open, can get tougher.

But that's where we have to put on our armor. And that's where it says, in Ephesians 6, in verse 13, We have to stand, and stand therefore. God is perfecting you. Even though you may not realize it, but I'm telling you, we have read a lot of praise reports. People are getting their prayers answered like never before.

They're knowing God like never before. We see their prayer requests come in and then we say to see the same people writing the praise reports of what God did because they stood on the word. Julie, I stood on the word and then I didn't get my answer. Will you stand until you do? It's not over until God says it's over and it's not over until you win.

But it looks like that due date passed or it looks like that it's already too late. It's never too late. It's never too late. All it takes is one day, and one day is all God needs to turn your life around. It may look like you've taken, you know, ten steps forward, and you're excited about it. And you were on top of that mountain, and all of a sudden you've taken a hundred steps or more back, and you've fallen down back into that valley, back into that despair.

I know sometimes it feels like you're army crawling in the mud, back to the top where you were.

This is where you have to realize God is stronger than your enemy and God is giving you that strength to persevere He has not told us to do anything that we can't I mean, we don't have the ability to do it

if he tells you to stand he's giving you the strength to stand He tells you to hold on he's giving you that ability to hold on He tells you to walk by faith and not by sight what says in his word He's given us the measure of faith, but it's our part to grow it You Just like if you want muscles and you want to be toned and you want to have strong, like, you know, one of my sons, he loves the gym.

Well, two of them, but one of them is constantly in the gym. Like every day he wants to get big. He wants to grow his muscles. He wants, you know, to look huge, but it takes hard work, eating, right. Dedication and a lot of hours, but he's grown his muscles and he's changed. His figure has changed. Why? Because he has that dedication.

The same thing a child of God has to do when it comes to their spirit man. It comes to growing your faith muscle. In order to grow your faith, you must get into the word of God to grow it. You can't pray for more faith. Some people ask for it. You can't do that. You cannot pray for more faith. Faith only comes by hearing and hearing by the word.

Romans 10, 17. Some people don't even know what faith is. Faith is trusting in God, trusting his word, despite what you see. Trusting in knowing. That he's faithful to perform it. Trusting that he is a sure thing that he will move on your behalf. Faith, faith comes by hearing. If you need more faith in your life, you need more word.

It only comes that way. That's why I listened to the word all night long. We have the word on during the day, even while we're not even at home. Have the word. In your homes, filling it up because the enemy wants to destroy you and your faith and trusting God. I'm sure many of you have gone through circumstances.

I'm cried out to God lately. Where are you? Why are these things happen to me? I've been praying, but everything is going in the opposite direction. It's not going in the direction I thought it would. When things aren't happening as fast as I thought they, they would happen and then people fall. But that's when you learn to stand, stand and don't quit until you receive and you see what you've been praying for come to pass.

Because it will. Go back to Numbers. So again, verse 32, Numbers 13, and verse 32.

So they brought the Israelites an evil report of the land which they had scouted out, saying the land to which they had been spied out, it out, a land that devours its inhabitants and all the people that they saw, and the men are great stature. God said this was a land flowing with milk and honey. This was a land that was going to bless them,

and they saw it's a land that devours its inhabitants, inhabitants. They forgot what God had said.

Verse 33, there we saw the Nephilim or giants, the sons of Anak who come from the giants and we were in on our own side as grasshoppers and so we were in their site. They saw it as an impossible situation. Just like a lot of people right now see these giants in our nation. They see the establishment and how they've embedded themselves.

So deeply into our country, into our justice system, into everywhere you look, into corporate America, into our economy, everywhere they have control, it looks like, and everybody thinks on that side, and even some in the body of Christ truly believe. There's nothing that can be done. That's simply not true.

And that's never the report of Almighty God. God will never say nothing can be done. Your enemies had the upper hand and they won this time. That's stupid. The enemies will never win because that's been taken away from them. Well, they're getting away with everything, but are they? In the sight of God, they haven't.

It may look like it right now, but God tells us to not go by how things appear to be. So

if we look at the things right now, people can get all scattered scatterbrained and, and, and freak out because, well, this, this is what this person said, this is what this person said, and this is what's going on and nothing can be done. But what does God say? That's why I love that statement, but God, that's why we had those things made out of cups and shirts.

And because we want people to have that question, but God, but it looks like everything is being torn away from us. And our freedom is annihilated and our justice system just torn to shreds. But God, and then we also have God wins because he does. God has already won the battle and he will continue to win.

We may lose battles. It looks like every once in a while, it may appear that way, but we will win the war it's guaranteed because who's on the inside of us. So we have to realize this day that God will have his way. We had to start shouting it from the rooftops and thanking him every day. I thank you, father.

God, you have your way in my life. You have your way in my children's life. You have your way in my finances. Lord. You have your way, father God in our nation. You have your way father God in the body of Christ. You have your way. You have your way in our government. You have your way in our justice system.

You have your way in the news media. You have your way father. God, in our economy, You have your way. Have it. This is where we have to dig deep. And like never before. So you win. Let's look at

Psalm 94. I still got some time before I go back over it. Psalm 94

and verse 15, Psalm 94 and verse 15 for justice will return to the uncompromising, the righteous and all the upright in heart. We'll follow it. Justice will return. It looks like injustice is ruling and reigning in our nations. But God is telling us justice will return. And why do we know that justice will return?

Because God is a God of justice. That's the foundation of His throne. It's justice. God is the judge. We see some wicked judges. We see them trying to pass laws and, and try to pass sentencing and all these kind of things that they're doing against our, really our rightful law. But who has the final say?

Who did God say that he was, he was taking his gavel and he was slamming it down? Remember God's verdict will stand. Not theirs. God's verdict will stand. And that's where you see Hold on to your place in Psalm 94 because I'm not done with that yet. He's showing me I got to go to Hebrews.

You guys probably already know where I'm going. This is if anybody is dealing with any court situation. This is something that even like President Trump needs to hear and needs to read this scripture over and over and over again. Just like all of us do. Hebrews

10 in verse 30. Now, this is the amplified version of the scripture. For we know him who said vengeance is mine. Retribution and the meting out of full justice rests with me. Who does full justice rest with? It rests with God. I will repay. I will exact the compensation says the Lord. And again, the Lord will judge and determine and solve and settle the cause and the cases.

Vengeance is God. Let's look up the word vengeance. Let's see what that says.

Vengeance definition is The act of taking revenge. Harming someone in retaliation for something harmful. That they have done especially in let me look at hold on the bible definition Revenge belongs to the lord means it's not our place as humans to retaliate And to repay a wrongdoing with another wrongdoing It's god's place to make the situation, right?

It's him who will bring justice to a hurtful circumstance The lord is our god who avenges our god who avenges Shine now that again is what is the meaning of revenge in the bible? That's the meaning of revenge But vengeance again is the act of taking revenge or harming someone in retaliation for something That have done especially in the next life now.

I want to read. Um, let's see here. Let's go to All right. So we looked at vengeance Vengeance is mine. That means god is going to avenge Us of what the enemies are doing to us now go back to psalm 94 again

psalm 94 in verse 22 Psalm 94 in verse 22,

but the lord has become my high tower and defense And my god is my rock of my refuge. We have to know that our god is our line of defense He's our line of defense. He has his angel armies. He's defending us He's our fortress. He's our high tower. He's our place of refuge And rest verse 23 and he will turn back upon them their own iniquity And will wipe them out by the means of their own wickedness The lord our god will wipe them out I'm gonna read that one again.

Psalm 94 in verse 23 He will turn back upon them their own iniquity and will wipe them out by the all means of their own wickedness The lord our god will wipe them out who the enemies of almighty god This is scriptural. God has, his vengeance, he says, is mine. He will wipe them out. Even says in different scriptures and psalms that he will cut them off.

It says in Psalm 34 that he will remove them and where they were they will be no more. That's in Psalm 37. He also says in Psalm 37, he sits in the heavens and he laughs. Because he sees the defeat of the enemy coming. God is not sitting up in heaven panicking. He's not stressed out. He's not worried. You know, well, they have our justice system in our justice department, so they're controlling everything.

They're destroying our country. God sits in heavens and laughs. He sees a defeat of the enemy coming. We may not know how it's coming, but we should know that it is.

I want to, let me look this up in the CEV translation,

Psalms 94 in verse 23. You will pay back my enemies. And you will wipe them out for the evil. They did that Psalm 94 verse 23. And that is the CEV translation. You will pay back my enemies and you will wipe them out for the evil. They did.

Okay. Let's also turn to

Psalm 78,

Psalm 78 in verse six,

but the generation to come might know them, but the children still be born. Might arise and recount them to their children. Verse seven. They might set their hope in God and not forget the works of God and But but might keep his commandments We are not supposed to forget the works of God, what God has done in the past.

We're not supposed to forget them. We're supposed to remind ourselves of all the things that God has done. We're supposed to remind our children how amazing God is and all the works of his hand. That's why we're supposed to go and tell aloud all the things he's done for us. We should go and get into the word of God and see all the things that he did for his people in the Bible.

And we count and tell them aloud and encourage ourselves and remind ourselves how awesome God is. Especially when we're facing giants in our land, especially when we're facing impossible situations. Go to Verse 10. Well, hold on. Nope. I'm gonna read verse 8 It might not be as our fathers a stubborn rebellious generation a generation that set not their hearts upright And not prepared their hearts to know god a new spirit. We're not steadfast and faithful to god So they were talking about how their fathers Were stubborn and they turned away from God.

Verse 9, the children of Ephraim were armed and carrying bows God's people were going into battle They're carrying their weapons and look what they did when they recount they did not recount They did not tell aloud they did not encourage themselves and they didn't remember what God did for them in the past They were armed and they were ready to go into battle.

Verse 9, yet they turn back in the day of battle. They turned back. A lot of God's people are turning back right now. A lot of God's people are putting down their weapon, which is the sword of the spirit. They're not speaking the word of God. They're not declaring the word of God. They're turning back in this battle because the battle is long and the battle is hard and the battle is tough and it's putting a lot of pressure on God's people and I'm thinking by putting down the sword of the spirit that life is gonna get easier and it's not.

That's a lie from the pit of hell. We can't turn back. Keep the sword of the Spirit in your hand, in your mouth. Verse 10, They kept not the covenant of God and refused to walk according to his law.

They didn't obey him and we don't obey God. Our Heavenly Father is telling us now to walk by faith and not by sight. Our Heavenly Father is telling us now to stand and fight that fight of faith. It's a good fight. It means it's a fight you win. Don't give that victory to the devil when it's not his. He's been tricking so many people out of it.

We're seeing right now what God says. Pride comes before a fall. Go to Proverbs 16.

Proverbs 16 and verse 18.

We're gonna see more pride than being more prideful. And than being more arrogant. Pharaoh was too. And remember what happened to him. And God calls them, the people we see today. He calls them Pharaohs of today.

Pride goes before destruction. Amen. And a haughty spirit before a fall. Pride comes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall. What has been God telling us? Destruction of our enemy and the fall of our enemy. Whose report do we believe? Do we believe this nation? We're going to celebrate Independence Day.

On Thursday and two days for the July, we as an United States of America, we set, we, we celebrate Independence Day.

We should be celebrating Independence Day every day. We have independence from our enemies and from their globalist control because God has already defeated them.

God is our victory. I'm more likely to go more into that tomorrow. Let's go back over the prophetic word.

All right, first paragraph. For I, the Lord, this day, am telling you, my children, the ravenous wolves are coming out of their caves and their hiding places to try and devour what is left of truth and freedom or anything good. Don't panic and do not fear what you hear or what you see from the jackals and from the puppets.

Or the puppet masters. So some of them, we've already seen a lot. We've seen them expose themselves quite a bit, actually. They don't hide that there's a two tiered justice system. They don't hide that they don't care about our constitution. They don't care. They've already, the one party, the side of the left, removed God completely from their party, from their platform.

They don't care that you know. They don't even care that some of the laws that they're passing Are not constitutional at all. Some of the verdicts that they're put there, they're putting out are not verdicts at all. There's no crime. This is not just president Trump. There has been several other people like Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon for contempt of Congress.

Really? What about Hunter Biden? What about Merrick Garland? What about all the other people in our government that have contempt of Congress? Well, they're not in jail. Why is it okay for one side and not another? We're seeing it. But God says he's ravenous wolves. Are going to come out of their caves. That means we're going to see more.

We're going to see, we've already seen, there was somebody told me about, I didn't watch it because I won't watch some of that stuff, but one of my team members talked about AOC and how she came out like a. You know, a crazy lunatic screaming at the camera, swearing, apparently. They're not, they've lost their ever loving minds.

And it's not even just the Biden. You can see a lot of them. They're not even coherent or making sense at all. They're raging and they're angry and they're hateful. They can take your words and spin it and make it seem like it's something it's not. They do it to God all the time. We're going to start seeing more of this.

But it's more of them showing who they really, truly are. And as you see it, you will see them devour themselves. They will turn on one another. God's already talked about that. They're trying to save themselves,

second paragraph. This is a time to push back with my words. This is a time that we're supposed to use the sword of the Spirit. We need to use God's Word like a weapon. I know that the team has put in the live chat, and I know that they will put it in the description box, all the scriptures for today.

Write them down, speak them out. Remember, if you declare and decree a thing, it shall be established. Declare and decree that you have life, even though it may seem like you're dying. Declare freedom, even though you may feel like you're enslaved in your body and your mind. Agree with God.

This is a time to push back with my word. They pushed you, the enemies have pushed you. They've pressured you. They try to break you. They try to kill you and devour your liberty. Destroy your liberty and destroy justice and to control the world with their narrative and their lies Don't you see them foaming at the mouth?

Don't you? And don't you see the fear that is consuming them?

A great panic has set in. This is that time. There is no way for them to win. And they're seeing it now, especially at that debate debacle. Now, all of a sudden you have talks again. That's why we did that. The team did an amazing job with that prophecy and being fulfilled. It's prophecy in progress right now of them replacing the Biden.

Got talked about for three years and now all of a sudden they're talking about it. Yeah. All over the news. Now some people say, they can't, can't happen, they're stuck with him. No they're not.

There are a couple ways out. And believe you me, if they don't get him to step down, they will do other things. They're turning on one another. They can't afford a Trump victory, and they know that they can't steal enough votes. Again, like they did last time. There's too many people have turned. Watch their overreach.

Watch their overreach. There'll be more prideful and arrogant on their next moves against this nation. But you know, pride comes before a fall. And I just, I just read you that pride comes for destruction and haughty spirit before a fall in Proverbs 16, 18. They know there is no option where my David can take the seat of the president back, you will see greater and more desperate attempts to destroy him and your justice system.

They are too arrogant to see what is right in front of their face. And that is me. God is saying to them, they don't even see what's coming. They've walked right in to every trap that was set by almighty God.

Next paragraph. You will watch them tear themselves apart. God said that we're on a turn on each other. You will watch them try more injustice. You will see them try spinning more of the truth and the narrative. But it will all fall apart. You already see it. You know, I'm back four years ago, before, you know, 2020 election.

There's actually a lot more people that were watching the news. The lamestream media. People don't watch it anymore because they know they're liars. People can see right through it. They know it's all another arm of the one world government. It's just a propaganda machine. And so is Hollywood. Same thing.

Meant to keep a narrative, but God's saying it's all going to fall apart. Now look at this next one. There were whispers in the enemy's camp. So they're whispering. What? They're freaking out. Now there's massive arguments. How did these things Leak! Who keeps exposing us? How do they know our plans? When we have been so careful on who hears them.

And God is saying, they don't see my infiltrators. My children, they don't believe my prophets have been sent to tell their secrets, to have my body pray against their plans. Why do you think prophets and the prophetic words are being attacked? Prophets and prophecies, since the beginning of time, have always been under great persecution.

Always. Because if God's people hear a prophetic word and God's people see that prophetic word come to pass, it destroys the power of the enemy against them. It destroys their plans because God's telling God's people their plans and then they can pray against it. How powerful is that? And why do you think so much of the body of Christ persecutes their own, come against their own?

God is saying even some, not all, even the elect can be deceived. It doesn't say they will be, it says even some can be. Even the elect can be deceived. Why can they be deceived? Why can some of God's people be deceived? Hosea 4, 6. My children are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. They don't have a knowledge of God's Word.

They don't know what God does in a time of great persecution. They don't know what God does in a time of great darkness. They don't know what comes in a time of great persecution, not persecution, but against injustice and against things that are against his people. God always sends a prophet or prophets, always.

Always has, he always will, because he's the same yesterday and today and forever.

But you have people that don't believe it. At all. And you have people who don't believe that God can use them or that God won't use certain people. Or that a prophecy looks like it didn't come to pass when it, or it doesn't look like it was a false prophecy when it actually is a true prophecy that's come to pass yet.

You see all this disinformation? You see all what the enemy is doing to bring confusion? That's why we as a body of Christ have to pray for those. We have to pray for those ones that are blind. We have to pray for those ones that are being deceived. We have to pray for those ones that are causing division.

We have to pray for those ones that are coming out against you and I. We don't get revenge. You want to, that's a natural instinct, but God will take care of it. We pray for them who are deceived.

And remember, God's word sets us free. That's why we don't talk about doctrines and traditions. We talk about the written word of God, enemy hates it. Now, can you see it? My children, the words I have spoken are playing out in front of your eyes. I Am bringing your enemies down. They are collapsing. They are failing everywhere.

They look, our enemies are failing everywhere. They look,

my nation is awakening. This country is waking up. He says, my church is awakening. Some of my children, you know your authority? Listen, even when your enemies try so desperately, To keep it from you. The enemy got into the body of Christ, into the churches to not teach about authority, to not teach about power and dominion and how the word of God is a sword of the spirit and it destroys the power of the enemy.

People didn't know the word of God was a weapon. Some people just think the word of God was a book. That tells good stories.

It's a weapon. It's a truth. And that Word of God is truth and it sets us free. That's why we have to know the Word of God. That's why we have to get into the Word of God. And our Bible should not be just on a coffee table collecting dust. We should be opening the Word of God on a daily basis. That's why I love the team gets these teachings out to you.

They get the scriptures out to you on a daily basis. They're giving you a tool. Use it. God wants you to have it. Now again, this is a time of my children. So I'm going to go back a little bit. The Great Awakening is here so my children get great as your reward for those who believe my words and hold on to them.

Great as your reward. For those who believe my words and hold on them. So hold on to God's words This is a time of my children and that's a time for the enemies to rule and reign It's a time for God's people This is a time for my church to be in control and wicked to be cut off go read in Psalm 37 just go read the whole entire chapter It's a great chapter that talks about what happens to the enemies of almighty God So the enemies will be cut off and removed from where they are Now God talks about removals many times in the scriptures That he removes the enemies from power.

Start to celebrate, my children. The time you have been praying for and waiting for is here. Say, the Lord of Hosts, this is the time that God's been warning us about. This is the time that God's been telling us about for years. We are here. Things are about to explode. Things are about to be exposed. Things are about to shake violently.

Things are about to turn. And what we have to do is to not be moved. What we have to do is have a heart fix on God, but I will warn you, your enemies out there to have your heart's fix on your problem. And magnify that problem in front of your face instead of magnifying God.

Just don't fall for it because it's easy. Feelings are easy to fall for. All right, now let's go to the next one. This is about president Trump again. My David, you've received bad advice. It looks one way regarding that judge in that case. Now he's talking about the case with Alvin Bragg. He's talking about that one that they've already passed down, the verdict that God's saying it's not gonna stand.

God doesn't even, listen, He doesn't care about what it looks like. God doesn't care. God sees the end from the beginning. He knows. He knows the end. We can't see it, but he knows it. So, he's gotten bad advice somehow. You don't have to be that kind of martyr. You don't have to be a taken prisoner. You don't need that type of persecution to get to the point, the point across to this nation or show that the justice system is corrupt.

Believe and trust in my words. Prison is not for you. Despite what you have heard, Or what it looks like that choice is not your enemies to hand down now This is god

And so what we have to do is pray in To that word because a person can hear prophetic word and they don't believe it or receive it And then what god said it looked like that person was wrong and they weren't Is because the person that was god was prophesying to or giving that word to they didn't take it and receive it I've had i've had that

god had given him prophetic word. They didn't take it and then they blame me for it Or they blame other people. I've seen it.

That wasn't the will of God. But again, just like it wasn't the will of God for God's people to wander around the wilderness for 40 years. That was their choice. That was their decision. So what we have to do is pray that God's chosen make the right decisions.

I'm gonna read that again. My son. I Am the judge that rules I have ruled Oh, i'm gonna go back up despite what you have heard or what it looks like that choice is not your enemies to hand down That's not their choice to hand down a prison sentence. It looks like it

but they're not following the law My son, but I said believe me and I will show you another way Believe me, and I will show you another way my son. I Am the judge that rules now Listen what god says I have ruled in this case God already has. God's verdict is innocent.

My gavel will come down against the ones who are against you.

You are my David, so believe and trust in me now. Receive the word from the Lord, the one who has chosen you and anointed you. The next moves are mine to give, so ask me, and I'll be the one to set you completely free from this tyranny and save the Lord of foes. So again, he just has to listen to the Lord.

Not to anybody else. This is advice. People kind of give him good advice. People kind of give him bad advice. The advice that he needs to listen to is, is God's. The advice we all need to listen to is God's because trust me you can look one way when it's really another and you can easily Give into it.

Let's keep reading. There are spies in your land or United States that are about to be revealed Yes, they are about to be exposed in front of this nation. My excellent I told you an unmasking has begun in a major way. I had Seen an article that had an unmasking and I almost could not believe my ear. I got my eyes.

From seeing this was it's a prophecy. So I was able, I didn't read the whole entire thing, but a person in Silicon Valley in California, a billionaire who used to be Democrat came out and said they're unmasking and they're revealing themselves and who they really are. I'm sitting there reading this article and just laughing and praising and thanking God, because God used those words unmasking.

Now all of a sudden you're seeing Unmasking. You can find it, I think it was a Gateway Pundit that had it. And if I have it if I still have that, I will make sure that I can send it out. But again, this is something that we all have to say, what God's been saying, unprecedented and unconventional, all of a sudden you're starting to see those words being in the news.

God's prophecy is God's news before the news. I'm telling you, God's news before the news. That's what prophecy is. Now, an unmasking has begun in a major way. We've already seen an unmasking of the establishment. I mean, for crying out loud, before 2015, we didn't even know an establishment existed. Or what President Trump calls him, the swan.

We had no idea. They've been unmasked. We can see who's on the right. Now, some people are still hiding, because you're going to notice that some of them were on the right when they're actually on the left, and some of them on the left when they're actually on the right. You'll see it. Then he says the establishment is about to tear itself apart.

Again, you have people, just like you're seeing with the Israeli, War you're seeing some on the palestinian side on the side of the left and you're also seeing some people on the israeli side They're already they're already coming apart in that area Now you have some that want to keep fighting you have some that don't want to keep fighting

There are a lot of cracks in the foundation a division has grown to another level I told you they are turning on each other to save themselves, but none of it will work They will overplay their hand and expose themselves even more So we're going to start seeing even greater exposures. My children, now this is a marching order.

This is something that God is telling us to do. This is some of our instructions. He's saying, my children, shout them out, shout them down, declare their fall, declare their failure, declare their exposure and removal. That's our part. Remember Job 22 decree a thing and it shall be established. We're decreeing and we're shouting them down.

We're shouting their fall. We're shouting their failure. We're shouting their exposure and removals. And when we're decreeing that we're declaring it and it will be established because now we are in agreement With what god is saying I will honor my words to remove them all you can see that in psalm 37 you can also see that in exodus chapter 4.

Hold on. I think it's exodus 14 14

god again Remove them all he does that Yeah, exodus 14 14 the lord will fight for you and you should hold on 14, 13, and 14. Exodus 14, 13, and 14. Moses told the people, Fear not, stand still. Be firm, confident, undismayed. And see the salvation of the Lord, which He will work for you today. For the Egyptians you see today you shall never see again.

Verse 14. The Lord will fight for you. You shall hold your peace. Remain at rest. We should know that God is fighting for us. So it says, I will honor my words to remove them all. So stand and keep fighting. Don't quit now. It's almost over. The movie you are watched, you have watched is about to come to an end.

So get ready because I'm ready to heal your land. Sayeth the Lord your Redeemer. Now before I pray let me go back. I kept quoting

Psalm 37.

Let's go to Psalm 37 quickly in verse 9. Psalm 37 in verse 9. For the evil doers shall be cut off, but those who wait and hope and look for the Lord in the end Shall inherit the earth verse 10 for yet a little while and evildoers will be no more though You look with care where they used to be They will not be found and there are people that still to this day Don't believe that God has any interest in removing people in power

That's not what his word says at all. His word says that he does care and he does remove people that are evil. Verse 12 The wicked plot against the uncompromising righteous and upright and right standing with god. They gnash at them with their teeth Is that that ravenous wolves he talked about in the first paragraph of this prophecy?

That's what that reminds me of. Verse 13, The Lord laughs at the wicked, for he sees that their own day of defeat is coming. Like I said, God's not worried and neither should we. Verse 18, Psalm 37 verse 18, The Lord knows the day of the upright and blameless, and their heritage will abide forever. Verse 19, They shall not be put to shame.

In the time of evil and in those days of famine, they shall be satisfied. We shall be not put to shame even in the days of evil.

Verse 25, I have been young and now I'm old, yet I have not seen the uncompromisingly righteous forsaken of their seed begging bread. So again, what God is telling it for us, we've never been forsaken. The ones who are uncompromising. They won't quit and they won't give up on God or the ones that will receive that inheritance or the ones that will receive What God has for them and that I know is you I've seen sometimes in the chat I don't always look every once in a while.

I'll look up and I see you fighting for one another You're praying and you're standing you're encouraging one another. That's exactly how the body of Christ should be We shouldn't be judging. We shouldn't be angry and divisive. We should be praying for one another, encouraging one another, and coming together unified in the power and the name of Jesus Christ.

Keep standing and praying for unity the body of Christ needs it now more than ever because the enemy I've seen it How the enemy's tried to divide it and destroy it

but God God is coming God is moving his hand across this land and across the nations

God will have his way and he will have the final say so again I just I want to thank all of you you tune in every day. You're faithful. You're faithful to him I see your faith growing on a daily basis You And it is a blessing and a gift that God has given to all of us that we're together each and every day.

And so even though sometimes I'm not on like Thursday, I'm going to remind you Thursday and Friday, I will not be on because the holiday we're giving the JGMI team the week off the weekend off to do with their family, their families. But I'll tell you, even though we're not together like this, You know, we're always together spiritually.

Go back and watch this. Go back and read these, read the prophetic words, go back and read the scriptures that God gives and stand and knowing that God's in control. So father, heavenly father, the name of Jesus. We just, I, first of all, I do lift up every person, the sound of my voice, whether they're watching live right now, or they will later.

I that you are growing them on a daily basis, that they're seeing you in a greater light. Of who they are with you. You're strengthening them, perfecting them, and bringing out of those chains, bringing them out of those prison cells, bringing them out of that darkness, bringing them out of that despair, bringing them out of that hopelessness, bringing them out of that fear and that worry, and that doubt and unbelief.

You're bringing them out fully. I thank you right now, Father God, no matter the desperation and no matter despair in their lives, you are the way maker. And I thank you, Father God, for showing them the way that you don't fail and that you will never forsake them in the time of trouble. And anytime, Father God, I thank you that I left up this nation to you.

I left with this entire body of Christ to you all over the world. We declare and decree right now that the body of Christ is unified and we tear down the walls of division and strife and anger and bitterness. We tear down the walls of all of this hatred for one another and everything that the enemy has done to plot, plan and scheme on the body of Christ and in the churches is destroyed by you.

Father God, we thank you that your glory is moving in the churches. Amen. We thank you father god for more revivals that are happening all over this nation and all over the world That father god that your hand is touching your hand is mov

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