Biden To The Secretary Of NATO: "I Realized I Was ____'n Your Wife" …Some Type Of Services Rendered?

2 days ago

Posted • July 10, 2024: That headline isn't just a headline — it's a sincere question. The Biden campaign has made it a point to get the president out there in public as much as possible since the CNN debate to assure everyone that he just had a bad night and everything is fine. President Joe Biden has a busy week … as we reported earlier, he went off script while talking to the United Auto Workers and started rambling about DEI and they cut the feed and went to a test pattern. Biden is also hosting the NATO summit. The man has been slurring his words a lot lately, so we honestly don't know what he is saying here, but it doesn't sound good. It kicked off like this. -- Did what to his wife? As funny as it was, he said talking. We'll give Biden the benefit of the doubt here. But Republicans wouldn't be pouncing if he could just speak clearly. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Biden Said WHAT at the NATO Summit?
Rumble: Joe Biden Calls The Secretary Of NATO An "Intellectual Wigger"

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