Leaders head to Nato summit amid Biden doubts and concern for Ukraine

1 day ago

World leaders gathered in Washington DC for a two-day NATO summit focused on enhancing military support for Ukraine amid concerns about President Joe Biden’s leadership abilities.

Among the attendees were UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, arriving amidst warnings of potential escalated Russian missile strikes in Ukraine.

The summit is set to approve increased military aid for Ukraine, including additional Patriot air defense systems and progress on supplying F-16 fighters to bolster Ukraine’s defenses against Russian attacks.

Zelenskiy emphasized the need for enhanced security guarantees for Ukraine, highlighting weapons, finances, and political support.

Meanwhile, NATO officials cautioned about possible Russian missile barrages timed to distract from the summit proceedings.

Recent bombings in Kyiv, including a children’s hospital struck by a Kh-101 cruise missile, underscored the ongoing humanitarian crisis.

While NATO members are expected to reaffirm Ukraine’s path towards membership as “irreversible,” concerns persist about admitting Ukraine while it remains in conflict with Russia, The Guardian has reported.

read more: https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/jul/09/leaders-head-to-nato-summit-amid-biden-doubts-and-concern-for-ukraine

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