J.R.R. Tolkien Audio Collection | The Two Towers (Disc 2-Part 1)

7 months ago

Disc 2: Songs and excerpts from "The Two Towers", "The Return of the King", "The Fellowship of the Ring", and "The Adventure os Tom Bombadil" read by J.R.R. Tolkien.

Track Listing Disc 2-Part 1:
1. The Two Towers: Book III: Chapter I: The Departure of Boromir - Lament for Boromir
Music: Excerpt from "Lament For The Fallen" by Stephen Oliver (The BBC Radio Dramatisation Of J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord Of The Rings 1981)
2. TTT Book III: Chapter IV: Treebeard - The Long List of the Ents
3. TTT Book III: Chapter IV: Treebeard - Treebeard's Song
4. TTT Book III: Chapter IV: Treebeard - The Ent and the Ent-wife
5. TTT Book III: Chapter IV: Treebeard - Bregalad's Song
6. TTT Book III: Chapter IV: Treebeard - The Ent's Marching Song
7. TTT Book III: Chapter VI: The King of the Golden Hall - Lament for Rohirrim
Music: Excerpt from ''Where is the Horse and Rider' by Howard Shore (The Two Towers - The Complete Recordings Disc 3)
8. TTT Book III: Chapter VI: The King of the Golden Hall - Gandalf's Song of Lorien
Music: Excerpt from Lamathlim by Jessica Butler
9. TTT Book IV: Chapter II: The Passage of the Marshes - Gollumn's Song
10. TTT Book IV: Chapter III: The Black Gate is Closed - Oliphaunt
11. TTT Book IV: Chapter IV: Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit - "A little way back along the lake..."

Note: I couldn't find the authors 2 artworks, which aren't credited. If anyone knows them, please let me know. Thank you.

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