'Am I Speaking English To You?': Here's The Biden Question That Triggered Nancy Pelosi Today

5 hours ago

Posted • July 10, 2024: Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s reaction to this line of questioning by ABC News’ Rachel Scott exposes a few things: the Democrats are not accustomed to such grilling by the media, they’re tired of the Joe Biden questions, and they know there’s no satisfactory answer to the predicament regarding the Democratic Party is facing with the president. Joe Biden created this mess, and he’s not leaving, so what can they do? For now, nothing which isn’t a position that’s sitting well with a large swath of congressional Democrats, many of which are now worried Biden will cost them down ballot. They’re not wrong.

🚨 PELOSI on Biden on Morning Joe: "It's up to the president to decide if he is going to run. We're all encouraging him to to make that decision. Because time is running short."

LEMIRE: Do you want him to run

PELOSI: "I want him to do whatever he decides to do. And that's the way it is. Whatever he decides we go with."

PELOSI then says he wants Biden to deal with the NATO conference and then restart the discussion on Biden's future.

"Let's just hold off. Whatever you're thinking, either tell somebody privately, but you don't have to put that out on the table until we see how we go this week."

Pelosi stopped within an inch of calling on Biden to drop out. It surely wasn’t a media hit Biden’s staffers wanted to see, but the trickle of Democrats calling for Biden to step aside is growing, especially today. If there aren’t calls for him to drop out, there are the even more damning ones questioning his ability to win in November. -- Speaker Pelosi tells me Biden can win. She says she won’t make comments in the hallway about “the fate of our nation.” When I asked if Biden should run she said, “Am I speaking English to you? I’m not going to be making any statements about any of that right now in the hallway.” (…)

• More at: Townhall - 'Am I Speaking English to You?': Here's the Biden Question That Triggered Nancy Pelosi Today
PJ Media: Clooney, Pelosi, and… Obama??? Maybe Biden Is Being Pushed Out After All
Twitchy: 'Unhinged' Alert! Pelosi Has a Hallway Hissy Fit When ABC Reporter Asks if Biden Should Drop Out

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