Genesis 19:30-38 Psalm 35:17-21 Proverbs 21:17 21:20 Matthew 17:14-21 Mark 9:14-29 Luke 9:37 Bible

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Genesis 19:30-38:
In this passage, Lot and his two daughters flee from the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and settle in a cave in the mountains. The daughters, believing that there are no other men left on the earth to father children, conspire to make their father drunk and both become pregnant by him. The older daughter gives birth to Moab, who becomes the ancestor of the Moabite people, and the younger daughter gives birth to Ben-ammi, who becomes the ancestor of the Ammonite people.

Psalm 35:17-21:
In this portion of Psalm 35, the psalmist continues to plead for deliverance from their enemies. They express distress over the unjust treatment they have received and call upon the Lord to arise and defend their cause. The psalmist asks God to take notice of the schemes of their adversaries and to vindicate them according to His righteousness. They express confidence in God's faithfulness and justice, trusting that He will not let their enemies rejoice over their downfall.

Proverbs 21:17:
This proverb highlights the negative consequences of indulging in pleasure-seeking and luxury without regard for responsibility or morality. It suggests that those who love pleasure and feasting will ultimately suffer poverty and lack, as they squander their resources and neglect their obligations. The proverb warns against pursuing pleasure at the expense of wisdom and discipline, emphasizing the importance of moderation and balance in one's lifestyle.

Proverbs 21:20:
This proverb contrasts the prudent with the foolish in their approach to wealth and possessions. It suggests that the wise person treasures up valuable possessions and wealth for the future, demonstrating foresight and planning. In contrast, the foolish person spends everything they have on frivolous pursuits and immediate gratification, leading to poverty and lack. The proverb emphasizes the importance of wise stewardship and discipline in managing one's resources.

Matthew 17:14-21:
In this passage, a man brings his son, who is possessed by a demon, to Jesus for healing. The disciples are unable to cast out the demon, so Jesus rebukes them for their lack of faith. Jesus then rebukes the demon and heals the boy, who is restored to health. When the disciples ask Jesus why they were unable to cast out the demon, He tells them that it was because of their little faith. Jesus explains that even with faith as small as a mustard seed, they can move mountains. He teaches them the power of prayer and fasting in overcoming spiritual obstacles.

Mark 9:14-29:
In this passage, a man brings his son, who is possessed by a spirit that causes him to convulse and foam at the mouth, to Jesus for healing. The disciples are unable to cast out the spirit, so Jesus rebukes them for their lack of faith. He then commands the unclean spirit to come out of the boy, who is healed instantly. Later, when the disciples ask Jesus why they were unable to cast out the spirit, He tells them that it was because of their lack of prayer and fasting. Jesus emphasizes the importance of faith and spiritual discipline in overcoming spiritual battles.

Luke 9:37:
In this brief passage, the day after the transfiguration, Jesus and His disciples come down from the mountain. As they approach the other disciples, they see a large crowd around them.

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