The idol of Ba'al in the Churches - Kathryn Krick.

18 hours ago

Yahweh sends help. Judge = to see, discern, or perceive. I see Lucifer because Yahweh is greater than all and He is greatly praised. Praise Yah and let Him strengthen you.

Because of Yahshua, I seen the idol with Kathryn Krick.

Yahweh has done this for His glory and for the protection and perfection of the saints.

Yahshua our Messiah who is Jesus Christ, is not a Sumerian and his gate is not the 8th gate of Babylon, he is number 7 - Hebrew word for 'oath' means, to 'seven oneself' - ie, 7th day sabbath, he is lord of sabbath.

For the great powers that keep us safe, in time, Yah willing, you will see the spider that 8 the world, and that IT is His glory and under His control. Isaiah 45:7, Romans 13:1

John 17:3, Hosea 11:9, Numbers 23:19, 1 Timothy 2:5 - No Trinity required for eternal life.

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