Energy From The Vacuum 32 - Prigogine Petro-Acoustics (2012)

8 months ago

Because of his stature in the academic community, Nobel Prize winner Dr. Ilya Prigogine was hard to refute when he advanced some circumventions around the supposedly inviolate Second Law of Thermodynamics—and this is where the Prigogine crystal comes in. 
As it happens, amateur geologist and audio engineer John Bedini had also intuitively been exploring the physical possibilities of the Prigogine crystal  from an early age at the practical level.  In fact it even served as his calling card to Tom Bearden when he found out that Tom had also been writing about the strange characteristics of Prigogine crystals in one of his earliest books.
In this video John Bedini builds a Prigogine crystal from scratch, using embellishments learned from John Cejka, then fires it in the kiln.  After this process, you can see the gold and ruby that has been created by transmutation in the substrate, just as nature creates them, exposing one of the long-held secrets of the alchemists.
Once the crystal has cooled off and de-scaled, John puts it through some amazing sound checks on the bench, with the crystal producing all kinds of strange effects, and the additional power provided by the energy from the vacuumTM that is gated in is clearly demonstrated.  Then, for comparison, audio signals are passed through a raw piece of rock from the ground, again, with startling results.
This leads into a lengthy discussion in which the secrets of the Moray Process, the Swiss Testatika machine and the Hubbard process are all revealed.  Some information courtesy of the late John Cejka.
Part 32, Prigogine Petro-Acoustics, is an essential video for everyone interested in exploring the hidden principles of the natural universe and discovering solid physics operations that are not published in standard science textbooks, nor found in the conventional academic curriculae. These secrets of science, revealed to the general public in the texts of T.E. (Tom) Bearden and also in the texts of Walter Russell, are now demonstrated here in a live, videotaped performance by the genius that is John Bedini.

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