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First Whoopi Goldberg, who claims she “steps in so much poop you couldn’t even imagine,” has proved to us all why not everyone should be voting just because they have a pulse. Because she has just claimed that just because Biden may poop his pants from time to time, and just because the man cannot put sentences together, does not mean he cannot hold the job as the most powerful man in the world.

Next Do you know what's hip and edgy? Calling Donald Trump Hitler.The New Republic is a magazine and you should see their recent cover…

Later Mayor Adams introduced a radical new technology called a trash bin that buildings will be required to use. It’s the next phase of NYC’s Trash Revolution

NYC is making progress!
#ConservativeCat #CatPetersen #Cities929 #America #Conservative #Liberal #USA #Republican #Democrat #illinois #sexcrime #pedophile

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