The Rosicrucian Mysteries by Max Heindel

8 days ago

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The great and FUNDAMENTAL mysteries known to the true and invisible order of students of life known as the Fraternitas Rosae Crucis, is expounded here in the writings of Max Heindel, a Danish-American Mystic, Occultist, Scholar and Healer and one of Dr. Rudolf Steiner's most well-known and read students. These mysteries concern the life of the soul, of life and death, of generation, all within the body of the ONE (Demiurge). Know, seeking Viryas that the HIGHEST esotericism lies within the eternal worlds of SPIRIT, which is un-created and lies beyond this material cosmos, those truths must be sought in the "Hyperborean Gnosis", and may be accessed charismatically by searching within, and then you will intuit signs of your ORIGIN, which take shape in the sacred RUNES, signs which can alter the very reality of this creation. The necessary context of this knowledge is to be sought in a healthy and balanced manner through the ROSICRUCIAN initiation, but one needs to RE-ORIENT those mysteries unto the SPIRIT, and not the soul, so that the synarchic strategies of confusion are dispelled. Bless you dear one..

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