o: Best Practices for Nine-Sentence Dialogue

3 months ago

Chris Wat Wing Yin video: Best Practices for Nine-Sentence Dialogue 屈穎妍: 九句對白的最佳實踐

I once saw an advertisement on the Internet, and I was shocked, moved, and screamed. It was the first public service advertisement of the Communist Party of China. 曾經在網上看到一個廣告,感覺是震撼、是動容、是「嘩」一聲,那是中國共產黨第一個公益廣告。

Chris Wat Wing Yin: Hong Kong pro-establishment media person, pro-establishment media columnist, former deputy editor-in-chief of "Next Weekly" and worked in "Ming Pao", RTHK Radio 1's parent-child program "We Are Not" Former host of Monsters (January 8, 2012 – May 26, 2024) 屈穎妍: 香港建制派傳媒人,建制派媒體專欄作家,曾任《壹週刊》副總編輯和任職於《明報》,香港電台第一台親子節目《我們不是怪獸》前節目主持(2012年1月8日–2024年5月26日)

Does the Communist Party advertise? Yes, the world has changed, and the thinking of those who govern must also change. The way the advertisement is expressed is very un-Communist, but the underlying meaning is very Communist.

It was a public service announcement specially launched in 2016 for the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. It was one minute long and titled: "Who am I?" ", there are only 9 lines of dialogue: "Who am I? I am the one who left last, I am the one who started working earliest, I am the one who thinks of myself the least, I am the one who sticks to the end, I am action The fastest one, I am the one who cares about you the most. I am the Communist Party of China and I am always with you."

The Communist Party of China currently has more than 99.18 million members, more than 12 million of whom are under the age of 30. The number of members increases by more than one million every year. It is a ruling party that is getting younger, more energetic and responsible.

On average, one in every 15 people among the 1.4 billion people is a party member. Therefore, the behavior and style of these Communists around us is the best testimony of the implementation of those nine advertising lines.

For example, the recent floods in Hunan and the bursting of Dongting Lake's embankments, and the news that Communists are on the front line of disaster relief, have become touching scenes.

On this day, Tang Jiefeng, a secretary in Hengnan County, Hunan, discovered a large number of weeds blocking the entrance of the pond while patrolling, and the water level continued to rise. The situation was so critical that he couldn't wait for the engineers to come to repair it. Secretary Tang said, "I have been a special soldier and have good water resistance. Leave it to me." Without thinking, he dived to the bottom of the pond six times and finally cleared the blocked gap. The water level in the pond quickly increased. Falling, the entire village escaped disaster.

Youluxi Village in Taoyuan County was surrounded by floods and power was cut off. State Grid organized an "Electronic Mule Communist Party Service Team", led by manager Liu Guolin, who carried a 100-kilogram generator on their shoulders and walked 5 kilometers to bring light to the villagers.

Party members and cadres are not only on the front line, but also play a leading role. For example, in order to prevent floods from entering houses, the government has to distribute sandbags to residents. Where can there be so many sandbags at once? It turned out that the sandbags were made overnight by party members and the masses.

As soon as the flood came, many places immediately organized "Party member commandos". There were voluntary invitations everywhere such as "Party members come first" and "I am a Party member and I will do it." A disaster response is like an exam, which tests people's hearts, responsibilities, and even responsibility.

Looking back at Hong Kong, we do not have Communist Party members, and civil servants do not have the spirit of sacrifice to lead the way. In times of peace and prosperity, clear weather, and no disasters, it does not matter. Once adversity or even disaster strikes, everything will come true.

In recent years, Hong Kong's economy has been sluggish and the government's budget has been in deficit. However, there is no such thing as working together to tide over the difficulties among the 180,000 civil servants. The Executive Council has just approved a 3% salary increase for all civil servants this year, which will take effect on April 1 this year. Even retired civil servants will have their salaries increased by 2.3%.

With all industries in recession, how will citizens feel when they see this kind of salary increase that goes against the market? Legislative Council member Di Zhiyuan said this: "Citizens will ask: Such a civil servant needs a salary increase? I think this sentiment cannot be ignored."

If civil servants could be like the members of the Communist Party of China, "the one who sticks to it until the end and the one who cares about everyone the most," we wouldn't mind their salary increases every year. Unfortunately, disaster is the best test. Look at the black violence in 2019. Apart from the police force and some disciplinary forces, where have the other civil servants gone?














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