018 090's Commercials Volume 002

2 months ago

These commercials aired on Nick Jr. in 1990.

1. Coming up next..."Maya The Bee"
2. Promo for "Eureeka's Castle"
3. Colgate Junior Toothpaste (Tastes just like chewing on a Christmas tree!)
4. Cheerios (I guess this animated mascot failed. He reminds me of Captain Caveman)
5. Promo for "Lassie" (The tone of this commercial is so awesome!)
6. Sports Illustrated (Why is every guy in this a complete tool?)
7. Elephant Station ID
8. "Maya The Bee" Commercial Bumper
9. Promo for "Eureeka's Castle" (Watching this show was a rare treat, as I had Kindergarten when it was on)
10. Promo for "Looney Tunes" (I will love this for eternity)
11. Promo for "Fred Penner's Place"

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