Biden Blackmailed Obama Regarding Homosexual Affairs For Leverage

7 months ago

Former White House Stenographer Biden Blackmailed Obama Regarding Homosexual Affairs For Leverage

21 minute mark...Yeah I think that's what he was talking about when what Obama what I knew I don't know for certain what Obama was behind this but you are.

Mike McCormick, a former White House stenographer who worked closely with Joe Biden, asserted in an interview with Alex Jones that Biden leveraged potentially damaging information to manipulate Barack Obama.

McCormick alleges that Biden threatened to expose Obama’s supposed homosexual affairs unless certain conditions were met, wielding this information as a tool for political leverage.

Mike McCormick, a former White House stenographer who closely collaborated with Joe Biden during his time as Vice President, played a crucial role in accurately transcribing speeches, meetings, and other communications involving Biden and other government officials.

His firsthand experience provided him with an intimate perspective on the operations and inner workings of the Obama regime.

He authored a book titled “The Case to Impeach and Imprison Joe Biden,” offering firsthand insights from his six years as Joe Biden’s White House stenographer

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