The Rock Almighty. Fear? Come At Me Bro'

7 months ago

We've been hearing and talking a lot about fear lately. And I am not talking about the fake fears made up by the mainstream left-leaning media (Homophobic, transphobia, fatphobia,....and on and on). The fears that we all have to deal with at some point in order to live the life that God has laid out for us. Bottom line is Faith overcomes all fear as one is much more powerful than the other. Let's Rock!

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The Landmine of Fear
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You don't have to be afraid of anything—Almighty God is with You and promises to help.
Psalms 27:1-4
Fear has been a part of our emotional makeup since the fall of man. When Adam and Eve rebelled against God, they hid themselves from Him and were afraid (Genesis 3:10). Things haven’t changed much. Anxiety often affects our thinking and controls our actions. It can keep us confined and unwilling to venture into unknown territory. Let truth help you defeat fear. Remember that God is …
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Music video credit:
Legend Seven -They That Wait
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