Never Grow Old - Original song about drug addiction

8 months ago

Never Grow Old
written and performed by
Dan D. Dirges
Guitar - Am chord - pick out melody while singing
Banjo - sawmill mountain modal tuning
written on August 3rd 2017

You`ll never grow old
You`ll never grow old
All your days will be stolen away
You`ll never grow old

You`re mama`s only child
Just a twinkle in daddy`s eye
but all you do is bring them shame
And your running out of time

Living from hour to hour
Living from fix to fix
It takes one hundred dollars a day
Or the baby gets to feeling sick

You`ll never grow old
You`ll never grow old
All your days will be stolen away
You`ll never grow old

The junk dealers always open
Twenty four hours a day
Sheep will be led to the slaughter
If they choose to stray

Go sell your soul on the street
Go roll an old man
Who`s to say whats right or wrong
In this God forsaken land

You`ll never grow old
You`ll never grow old
All your days will be stolen away
You`ll never grow old

It`s time to feed the monster
but it`s gonna take a little dough
You can try to fight it all you want
But it always wins you know

They found you dead in the street
Just another O.D.
Narcan can raise the dead
But for you it wasnt meant to be

Now you`ll never grow old
You`ll never grow old
All your days are stolen away
All your days are stolen away
Now You`ll never grow old
You`ll never grow old

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