What Really Separates Dingoes From Dogs? Ancient DNA Holds the Answer

7 months ago

Research on ancient dingo DNA reveals the deep genetic roots and historical migration patterns of dingoes in Australia, dating back over 3000 years.

DNA from fossilized dingo remains going back 2,746 years was compared with modern dingoes’
Dingos arrived in Australia more than 3,000 years ago
K’gari dingoes have no domestic dog ancestry – they are pure dingo
Co-lead author, paleogeneticist Dr. Sally Wasef, from QUT’s School of Biomedical Sciences said this dataset gave a rare glimpse into the pre-colonial genetic landscape of dingoes, free from any mixing with modern dog breeds.

“Consequently, [dingoes] are behaviourally, genetically, and anatomically distinct from domestic dogs,” Dr. Wasef said.

“Modern-day dingoes’ ancestors arrived in Australia more than 3000 years ago, most likely transported by seafaring people.

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