Bidementia: We Had Strong Evidence That Biden Was Unfit For The Presidency … In 2020

3 days ago

Posted • July 8, 2024: More than a week ago we had the first debate in 2024 between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, and well … for Biden, things about as badly as it did on the Hindenburg. The basic problem is that almost every moment in the debate, they were on split screen—you could see both men. When Biden was talking, he was okay, because he had a reason to engage. But the moment Trump started talking, Biden had what John Stewart called ‘resting Twenty-Fifth Amendment face.’ Mind you, we’re not saying Biden was perfect when he was speaking, either. He had several gaffes. One of the worst is when Biden said that he beat Medicare. We’re not sure what Biden meant to say, but it certainly wasn’t what he did say and he opened himself to a solid zing from Trump. Trump got in another zing when Biden lost his train of thought at another point in the debate.

And that debate became a pivotal moment, when it finally became okay for the press to really start asking if Joe Biden was up to the job of being the candidate, or even to continue on as president. And as we noted the other day, for many American’s the issue was the surprise: It's not just that viewers were disheartened by Biden's performance last night. People feel lied to. So, we think that if you are conservative and you have been paying close attention to politics, it is absolutely not a surprise that Joe Biden has a significantly diminished capacity. On the other hand, if you weren’t paying much attention to politics, and you just tuned in for the debate, what you saw was not only sad: It was a shock. And in that shock, you are likely to actually get angry that somehow you were not being told that the President is this feeble before you saw it for yourself.

A person like that is likely to ask, why weren’t all the people who are supposed to tell us these things telling us these things? Why was the government covering this up? Why wasn’t the press uncovering it? That media scandal is the focus of this post. The question is the old Nixon inquiry: What did the Press know and when did they know it? And this author has a bit of a unique perspective on it because starting in September of 2020, we started a very long thread we called #Bidementia. The purpose of that thread was to gather high quality evidence of Joe Biden’s diminished capacity and, well … we think it probably would be interesting to go back over some of that evidence that the Press was either ignoring or rationalizing away. So we went back over that thread and, sadly, some of the evidence has disappeared. Some of the Twitter/X accounts that were gathering it have been suspended and some of the YouTube videos have disappeared.

We tried our Googling best to fix any holes we found, but we’d say about 30% of our evidence has simply disappeared. But even without everything we gathered at the time, the evidence of Biden's mental decline was powerful. Still, we said it at the time and we will repeat it now: We are not doctors. Despite our tongue-in-cheek hashtag #Bidementia, we don’t actually know if he has dementia. But you don’t have to be a doctor to recognize when something is wrong with someone, mentally, and any person with more than two brain cells to rub together could see that Joe Biden literally needed his head examined more than four years ago. And by presenting to you now what we presented to the world four years ago, we hope to show how badly the press has dropped the ball on this. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - #Bidementia: We Had Strong Evidence that Biden Was Unfit For the Presidency … in 2020

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