Protocols of Zion: The Plot Against Israel – Truth about the Jews, the Illuminati and WW3

8 months ago

Doc Marquis, the renowned expert on the workings of the occult world, unfolds the truth behind the most diabolical document ever produced: The Protocols of Zion. No other writing in the past 2,000 years has continually set the world on fire. While Muslim zealots and anti-Jewish fanatics point to the Protocols as evidence of a world wide "Jewish conspiracy," Doc unfolds the real secret behind it. This presentation will show how the Protocols are the real plan of Global Illuminati, whose plot includes blaming the Jews for their wicked agenda.

Included in this presentation are how the Protocols of Zion:

1) Fomented and directed the Great French Revolution (1789-1799);

2) Fomented the great Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1917 that established Communism;

3) In 1870, planned Three (3) World Wars to stage Antichrist on the world scene. World Wars I & II were precisely carried out. World War III is being set up exactly as The Protocols envisioned, and will be the most bloody war ever;

4) Planned the attacks of 9/11;

5) Planned the global terrorism campaign now underway;

6) Planned economic collapse;

7) Planned the most murderous, most severe global dictatorship history has ever seen.

8) Marquis will reveal other bloody plans. Will demonstrate how parts of The Protocols were later fulfilled in modern history.

This 2010 DVD provides the only true understanding of The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion ever and is only possible because Doc Marquis is a former Satanist trained in the Illuminati Plan. You will never look at the news the same way again! A 2-DVD Set. Doc Marquis only uses the King James Bible.

Doc Marquis was raised as a child in the international occult group known as the Illuminati. For 20 years he was trained as an Illuminist and attained the rank of Master Witch (a 3rd level Illuminati Witch). As a result of God's sovereignty and mercy, Doc became surrounded by Christians who presented him with the Gospel. Confronted by God's Word and love, he opened his heart and mind, and on April 15, 1979, Doc became a Born-Again Christian, forever severing his ties with the Illuminati.

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