Young People should be having Fun not worrying about medical debt the history of the US Healthcare System Book trailer

6 months ago

My name is John Wright, and I worked for a political intelligence company from 2009 until 2010. To overturn Obamacare, we ran a candidate for Congress. My job was to inform our district constituents about healthcare policy in the United States. Additionally, I explained how it had changed over the years. How the United States can return to a more cost-effective and efficient system that worked from 1946-1973.
In 1973, greedy lobbyists from Wall Investment took it down with the HMO Act. Over the last five decades, we have seen a decline in the quality of our healthcare system. As healthcare becomes more expensive, fewer services are available, resulting in a higher death rate.
The number of Americans who have medical debt has increased to 45% (or has increased in the past). According to a recent survey by LendingTree, nearly one in four Americans (23%) have medical debt or have had it in the past. A 30% share of millennials between 26 and 41 is attributed to the generation between 26 and 41.
Because of the policies of the last 50 years, the US healthcare system has regressed rather than progressed. The wrong people are attracted to the medical profession. People are attracted to the medical field today to make money vs to heal people. As the old saying goes, don't assume something is better because it's more expensive.
Medical errors cause what percentage of deaths?
Medical errors account for 251,454 deaths per year based on 35,416,020 hospitalizations, or 9.5 percent of all deaths.
After reading you will understand what our healthcare system was and why it was so affordable. You will also understand why our healthcare system has become unaffordable. The reader will discover how effective the US healthcare system once was and how the Hill-Burton System worked.
Our healthcare system has been replaced by an expensive and ineffective HMO system (Health Maintenance Organization) system. Run by private for-profit corporations whose interests are making money for the stockholders vs a non-profit system in which the interest is providing healthcare?
Throughout the book, the reader will learn which laws were passed and what they did. This will accurately illustrate why healthcare is so expensive in the US. This book gives the reader a strong foundation for cheap, effective healthcare. How to restore the doctor-patient relationships in healthcare in the United States.
Humanity forgets how short our lives are on Earth as time passes. During that time, we should be as productive as possible. In our rush to accumulate as much money as possible, we sometimes forget to stop and smell the roses. I want to simplify my life and others' lives. To accomplish this, I can explain to the reader how inexpensive and simple our healthcare system once was. Despite our healthcare system's best efforts, progress is not always positive. By creating a money-making plan that keeps people sick instead of healing them. At first, do no harm. Sometimes the US Healthcare system kills people to save insurance companies money on expensive procedures or medicines.
When money is an incentive to fix a problem, it will always bring in the wrong people. Financial incentives attract people who want to make money vs solve the problem. The US healthcare System has become a den of thieves, which has lost its credibility and trust with much of the public.
What led to this situation? What can we do about Americans' healthcare becoming so expensive that it bankrupts them? Can you tell me what Americans used to do in the past?
Is there a reason why life seemed so much easier back then? How did it happen? This book discusses those topics. No matter what your age is, I am willing to walk you through an easy-to-understand timeline.
What the Hill-Burton Act was and why it was passed. What was the purpose of the Act and how did it provide healthcare? How did our healthcare system decline when our ability to develop normally improved with practice? Why did the opposite happen with our healthcare system? Why don't we still use the Hill-Burton Act?

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