What Was It Like Playing with George Lynch?

5 months ago

In this episode of CHRIS AKIN PRESENTS..., Erik dives into their weekend gig in Michigan. The crazy weather made for an unforgettable show. Erik shares the thrill of playing with legendary Dokken guitarist George Lynch, an unexpected highlight of the evening.

#CHRISAKINPRESENTS #MichiganGig #CrazyWeather #GeorgeLynch #DokkenGuitarist #NetflixDocuseries #TheManWith1000Kids #YouTubeResponse #MusicReview #GigHighlights #WeekendShow #DocuseriesReview

NOTE: Everything said here, and on every episode of all of our shows are 100% the opinions of the hosts. Nothing is stated as fact. Do your own research to see if their opinions are true or not.

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