I've Found My Angel

8 months ago

I've Found My Angel (My old Poem turned to song )

Behind every beam of starlight is an Angel
Behind every Angel stands a man
Willing to be caring and sharing if only
She would notice him.
He feels the fire in his heart burning to the point where it seems to want to explode.
It's Love alright, but will she notice?
Maybe, but only in his dreams.
But isn't that what makes an Angel?
And as time passes into the future, he still knows not her name. Yet her magic pierces his very soul. She enters his dreams as if to save him from the thought of living without her. Who is this woman with the power to take his breath and warm his heart with just a smile?
Forever the Love so strong imprinted in his mind. If only for a brief moment in this life she would feel the same, as to create a Love to last an eternity. He could proudly say "I've found my Angel."

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