Media Demanded 25th Amendment for Trump 600 Times ! How Many for Biden? Whoopi's Poop Candidate!

4 days ago


Media Demanded 25th Amendment for Trump 600 Times ! How Many for Biden?

A viral video montage has emerged of prominent figures in the liberal media calling on government officials to invoke the 25th Amendment on former President Trump while he was in office.

The montage, created by NewsBusters video editor Bill D’Agostino, noted that media members pushed the 25th Amendment narrative over 600 times during Trump’s White House tenure.

The compilation of major media voices was part of a larger report published by the Media Research Center, which noted that MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell brought up the idea of declaring Trump unfit for presidential duties less than a month after his inauguration.

In 2017, "Morning Joe" host Joe Scarborough said a close associate of Trump on the campaign trail told him the then-presidential candidate had "pre-dementia."

Scarborough also suggested that "everybody" who’s known Trump for years has said he has "mentally devolved." The MSNBC co-host then said he wanted to know "when it’s safe" to start talking about whether Trump should be taken off his presidential duties.

Scarborough’s comments came a month after he urged Trump’s cabinet and Republicans to use the 25th Amendment.

"What is the cabinet waiting for?" he asked at the time.

His co-host and wife, Mika Brzezinski, pushed for the use of the 25th Amendment on multiple occasions, calling Trump "not fit to lead" and "not well."

Then-CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin discussed the issue the following September when he said that the "mere fact" the 25th Amendment was allegedly discussed by people close to Trump suggested a degree of "unease or even panic" about the way the then-president conducted himself.

Days later, liberal comedian Bill Maher highlighted the story of former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who reportedly floated the idea of secretly recording Trump and invoking the 25thAmendment.

"Now the 25th Amendment, the one about removing a president who’s incapacitated, keeps popping up in the news, someone has to explain to me if it was not written specifically for this guy, then who is it for? I know that everyone knows by now that Trump is a narcissist, but we have to stop treating that like it’s an unfortunate personality tick and start treating it like what it is: a serious, dangerous, mental illness," Maher said.

Other major voices that discussed the 25th Amendment under Trump included former CNN host Don Lemon, the hosts of ABC’s "The View," MSNBC senior contributor Mike Barnicle, CNN political analyst Carl Bernstein, James Carville and CNN "State of the Union" co-anchor Dana Bash.


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