"The Branding" - Suburban Horror - The Cultists: A Cthulhu Mockumentary Comedy (S1 E9)

5 months ago

Joining a Cthulhu cult takes serious commitment. When chanting and orgiastic rituals fail to summon Cthulhu, it's time to step things up: Burn the brand of his dragonesque and cephalopodic visage into your flesh! Rob, member of the Esoteric Order of Dagon, is ready to prove his dedication. But will it finally work? Laugh along at the hilarious and twisted antics of "The Cultists" as dorky suburban worshippers do their best to please ancient dark gods.

"The Cultists" is created and produced by Heath Robinson. It is written by Heath Robinson and Brianna da Silva. The series is directed by Brianna da Silva.

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