The number 9 models everything and nothing simultaneously

6 months ago

The patented Blu Room technology [US Patent 9,919,162] creates an environment to provide the user with a mental reset – a consciousness-lifting environment that can augment one’s state of creative focus. Sessions consist of 20 minutes of deep relaxation inside a futuristic octagon bathed in blue and UVB light. The Blu Room geometry is based upon Tesla’s 3, 6, and 9.

The number 9 models everything and nothing simultaneously. And it can be experienced in the center of the Blu Room octagon. The Blu Room brings your mind to stasis. When you experience tranquility and peace, your mind has a wellbeing that is transmitted to your body.

The Blu Room is used by working men and women, veterans with PTSD, athletes, retirees, and anyone else who needs to relax, readjust, and refresh. It is a noninvasive, nonsurgical relaxation therapy. Benefits include pain relief, relief from stress and anxiety, increased creativity, improved health, and greater self-awareness. For more information, visit:

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