Trans Left 'Stasi' Cancel Nina Power part 2

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Tara and Tony address what may be a targeted cancelation of Nina Power (allegedly) driven by Luke Turner and the technofetishist left Verso crew who want to "abolish the family" - a position that Power has critiqued.

The first part of the show also refers back to past witch hunts (Kathleen Stock) and trials by social/media (Russell Brand). In the second part, we will do a dramatic reading of a sampling of the prchats between Daniel Miller & Nina that Luke Turner is posting online, and which many are treating as a smoking gun. . .

Background: Luke Turner is the artist who worked with Shia Labeouf a few years back. There is a long and bitter feud between Luke Turner and Daniel Miller. Nina got swept up in it. They accuse Luke of lying about them, he accuses them of harassment. The court case was inconclusive. They certainly do not agree with his version of events. But because Daniel started the lawsuit, they're liable to pay a large % of Luke's costs, and Luke hired expensive lawyers. Now they're bankrupt and no longer have the resources to contest his account. But they do dispute it and consider it defamatory.

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