Emmanuel Macron Forms 'Alliance Of Dishonour' With Far Left-NOW THE END BEGINS-JULY 8 2024

8 months ago

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, Europe is literally in a state of shock today, astonied at another brilliant escape from utter disaster by Emmanuel Macron. I am reminded of another Frenchman, Jean Eugène Robert-Houdin, the 19-century illusionist that American escape artist Harry Houdini named himself after. Macron is right up there with the best of them after his stunning snap election gamble. But Macron is not out of the woods yet by any means. In order to fend off the Far Right, Macron was forced to make a deal with the Communist Far Left leader Jean-Luc Melenchon, a name that is sure to shortly become a household word. For you students of history, the climate in France, Germany and the UK right now is nearly identical to the political turmoil of the late 1920’s in Germany. Adolf Hitler was the ‘man of the hour’ then, Emmanuel Macron is the man of the hour right now. Hitler was the 555 type of Antichrist, and the question we ask today, is Emmanuel Macron Mr. 666? Join us today for a Prophecy News Podcast you will not want to miss!

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