7/8/24 - Whitehouse ISD School Board Meeting; We Do Not Want Matthew Lazarine Near Our Children!

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Speech for White House Independent School District Meeting

Date: 7/8/24
Time: 6:00 PM

Good evening, esteemed members of the White House Independent School District and fellow community members.

My name is Derek Phillips, and I stand before you today not only as a concerned citizen but as an investigative journalist deeply troubled by the recent events within our city council. It is with a heavy heart and a sense of duty that I bring to your attention the serious allegations of corruption involving a member of our city council, Matthew Lazarine.

Matthew Lazarine, entrusted with the power to serve and protect the interests of our community, stands accused of falsifying government documents with the intent to unlawfully imprison an innocent man. This is not just an abuse of power; it is a gross violation of the trust we have placed in our elected officials.

Falsifying documents to imprison someone falsely is a felony. It undermines the very foundation of our justice system and erodes public confidence in our government. When those who are supposed to uphold the law become perpetrators of crime, it is not just a betrayal of the victims but of every single one of us who believe in justice and integrity.

Moreover, it is deeply concerning that Matthew Lazarine oversees the “Boys to Men” children’s program, where he meets with our young boys without their parents around. This program is meant to mentor and guide our youth, but having a man who is a known liar and felon in such a position is alarming and unacceptable. The safety and well-being of our children must be our highest priority, and we cannot allow someone with such a dubious character to have influence over them.

We cannot allow individuals who commit felonies to remain in positions of power. The presence of such corruption within our city council is unacceptable. It is a stain on our community and a threat to the values we hold dear.

I urge the members of this meeting and the broader community to demand accountability. We must call for a thorough investigation into Matthew Lazarine's actions and ensure that justice is served. This means not only pursuing legal action but also removing him from any position of authority where he can continue to harm our community, especially our vulnerable children.

We must stand together against corruption. We must ensure that our elected officials are held to the highest standards of integrity and accountability. Only then can we begin to restore trust and faith in our local government.

Thank you for your time and attention. Together, we can make a difference and protect the values that make our community strong.

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