3 months ago

Summary Story: Out hunting with a rifle, in a high and remote location, by himself, he was about to leave the area, which had been unusually very quiet, not seeing any wildlife, when he heard thumping sounds. The only place anyone would be working, he figured, had to be the electrical line towers, so went over to the clearing and saw no one.
Then he spotted something, about 30 feet into the tree-line, and it sounded like it was chopping a tree down. Yet, what he saw had its back to him and was hairy, then thinking it might have probably been a bear, until it stood straight up. As soon as he pointed his rifle, to take a closer look at and identify what it was, the creature turned and looked directly at him. He thought about shooting it, all kinds of thoughts going through his mind, when the "manimal" spoke in English, "Don't shoot!". A conversion began, as he approached the "sasquatch" speaking in broken (oversimplified) English, much as you would expect to hear an "Indian" (Native American) speak, in an old western movie.

Here, I shall share some of my own theory, as I've heard many eye-witness tales, from very credible sources. I strongly tend to believe the "bigfoot" was telepathically reading his mind. See what you think!

Paraphrasing quotes, the creature, after asked who he was and what he was doing, said "costume".. "I'm actor". Nobody else present, like a camera man, seemed suspicious and unlikely. He asked were he got his costume and his first reply was "McDonald's", then he placed his hand upon his head, like he'd goofed up and misspoken. The hunter earlier said that he could see a McDonald's in the distance, from his high vantage point, reminding him that he hadn't eaten and felt hungry. The "critter" tried correcting himself, changing his answer to "WalMart". More discussion ensued, asking how tall he was. The creature didn't seem to know how to answer, so pointed and asked,
"You?". The hunter told him he was "six foot tall'. The "monster man" then appeared to estimate their height difference, simply responding, "me 8". Leaving out more...
The hunter had held out his hand, when they first met, but the creature just looked at him, also his rifle. Before the hunter left, he asked the "man of the forest" if he minded getting a picture with him.
In my view, the creature didn't understand the concept, simply allowing the guy to snap one photo with his celluar phone. BUT.. as the hunter started to leave, the critter looked concerned and said, "Wait. Me see". When shown the photo, his expression changed to anger.
The hunter asked if he didn't like it and wanted to take another.
He said, "No, no. It good", then mimicked words the human had earlier said to him, "Nice meeting you, man" and extended his hand, then made some type of jiujitsu style, takedown move, throwing him to the ground, fracturing some ribs, took the phone and stomped on it, then ran off, taking the man's gun with him.
(GREAT! Now these giants will be learning to shoot! lol )

The hunter started to leave, in great pain, then gut instinct told he to go back some steps and get his phone. Leaving a bit more out, the rest of the story is best told by the video, above.
See my other post on this wild, incidental run-in event, for the link.
I do believe this one is REAL! If not, I will never believe another photo or video of evidence I see... and I've seen many hoaxes and uncovered several, myself. My own, bigger mystery is how are comments so few OR are they being blocked? Not that I haven't seen some paranormal and other strange stuff. It just rarely fazes me.. much. However, I find this photo more than intriguing, but absolutely fascinating, seeing a "real one" for the very first time, ..
IF real. Me thinks so! 👣😎

Time: Afternoon, November 2023
Place: Eastern WV / West Virgina

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