The Similarity Between Judgments and Dreams – a daily inspiration

5 months ago

August 1 - The Similarity Between Judgments and Dreams
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A dream that we have while we are sleeping may take thousands of forms. Yet regardless of its content, it is still only a dream. Judgment may take thousands of forms, yet regardless of the time and energy that we sacrifice at its altar, it is still only a judgment. Just as the act of awakening releases us from our dreams, so too does the act of forgiveness release us from our judgments. No longer be fooled by the forms your dreams or judgments take. In the end, they are all the same, delusions, not worthy of your time, focus or energy. No judgment is worth the poison that it pulsates through your veins, pollutes your heart and punishes your mind. Regardless of how right the ego insists that you are for making it, no judgment is worth the dark, burdensome, heavy and constant weight that it has you lug around.

Today, let us pay attention to the signs that show us when our mind is asleep and when it is awake. One of the main signs of a mind that is asleep to its true loving nature is when, through judgment, it sees self or others as guilty and worthy of being punished. Aligned with this mindset, confusion, conflict, chaos, fear, anxiousness, anger, resentment and regret fill up the lives and dreams of those who sleep. One of the main signs of a mind that is awake is that, aligned with its forgiving nature, it is at peace wherever it goes. The peaceful mind sees everyone in this world as God’s children, all forever innocent and worthy of His mercy and grace. A mind at peace knows that it is one with all, and thus treats everyone as it would want to be treated. With its peaceful nature, non-judgment, mercy and grace become its constant companions.
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