#270 - 20110518 - Muller motor update & Call to action

7 months ago

This is an update on the Muller Motor replication and call to action. Links to the videos and plans are available here http://alt-nrg.org/plans.html

Join Smart Scarecrow and I live on the Smart Scarecrow Show at http://justin.tv/smartscarecrow this Thursday evening May 19, 2011 at 9pm as we take a more in-depth look at the evidence so far and share what we know openly.

The TIME IS NOW TO STOP THE MADNESS! Here is a brief list of just SOME of the biggest nuclear and oil disasters to date:

Windscale nuclear reactor fire UK 1957
Three mile island PA 1979
Chernobyl Ukraine 1986
Biblis Frankfurt Germany 1987
Tokaimura Japan 1999
Fukushima Japan 2011


Exxon Valdise oil spill Alaska 1989
Sea Empress oil spill Wales 1996
Pallas spill Germany 1998
Erika oil spill France 1999
Prestige oil spill Spain 2002
Timor oil spill Australia 2009
Shen Neng oil spill Great Barrier Reef 2010
Dalian oil spill China 2010
BP Gulf oil spill 2010
Taylor Energy Wells Gulf of Mexico 2004 STILL ONGOING!!!

119 in all since 1907
62% of them in the last 20 years alone!


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