#256 - 20101212 - S.510 still here, maybe for good_ Tips for video publishers.

6 months ago


Well, Senate bill S.510 is still with us and it still threatens our way of life. How did it get through? Because your elected officials buried it onto the House Appropriations funding bill HR.3082. Why? Because they are in Monsanto's pockets! That's why! Another reason is plausable deniability. "Oh, I didn't vote for S.510. I voted for funding schools and roads." Yeah. Right. If there was ever any doubt in your mind that they do not represent the will of the people any longer, Let there be no more doubt.

Anyone who reads this bill and does not get thoroughly PISSED OFF with it DOES NOT HAVE A PULSE! However, it's still not too late to have S.510 stripped from HR.3082. Please. Use the links I provide. Press a few keystrokes and make your voice be heard. Pause this video and do it right now. It's that important. Go!


Next I want to share a tip with you online video publishers that I stumbled upon today. One of the biggest problems I have producing my videos is multiple steps in the editing introduced because of video sync issues with the audio. Many of them I thought were created by Webcam Max that I use. Thinking back on my live broadcasts and knowing that audio sync didn't seem to be an issue.

On a hunch I tried Flash Media Encoder to record to a local file for editing. Much to my delight, audio and video remaind in perfect sync. The video you are watching right now was recorded this way and it saved be a bunch of editing time. SO! If you want to record online newscasts like this and not worry about having to split and realign audio tracks, Flash Media Encoder is the ticket.

Lastly, now that my run time tests are completed with the B&S test stand I built, it's time to bid a fond farewell to it. To that end I offer this tribute. Enjoy. Peace.

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