Episode 4 - Bill Darnall

7 months ago

If you're curious how a boy with an alcoholic, abusive father, forced to choose between prison and the Texas A & M Corps, could possibly end up as an author, pastor and church planter, leading men to Christ in prisons, you're in luck!
In episode 4 we talk with Bill Darnall about all of the above, and if you can believe it, more...

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Prison ministries discussed in the podcast are:
Kairos Prison Ministry International - https://kairosprisonministry.org
Jubilee Prison Ministry - https://jubileeprisonministry.org

Books authored by Bill that are available on Amazon:
- The Gospels
- Why Baptize
- Pastoral Care and Biblical Counseling

Host - Chad Beck
Guest - Pastor Bill Darnall
Produced by Church Merch Ministries
Recorded at Sonic Rehearsal Studios in Houston, TX

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