Dr. Bob Zybach & the Saga of the Elliot Forest Pt. 2

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3 PM Monday, July 08, 2024

The Oregon Department of State Lands is asking for public comment on the Draft Elliott State Research Forest Management Plan by July 28, 2024. Dr. Bob Zybach, the foremost expert on The Elliot Forest, will explain the best way to leave a comment to have the most effect on the agency’s decision. Senate Bill 1546, which was sponsored by State Rep David Brock Smith, turned the working forest into a research forest. Several parts of that bill have been sunsetted since its passage.

Now the Oregon Department of State Lands have to come up with a management plan for the Elliot. Dr. Zybach will give an update on that process and the Habitat Conservation Plan. Find out more at Oregon Websites & Watersheds Project, Inc. (orww.org).

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