8 months ago

Andrea Quintana M. Astrology For Children

I loved my day, getting to know Andrea. Twice before, our meetings have not worked due to Internet interference. So I decided to get on the train and visit her in Devon. Totnes - a thriving community with many alternative thinkers where you can walk along the street and have pretty in-depth conversations with many. We went to a café with swings in it , -because I felt that was fun and associative with children. I enjoyed myself talking with Andrea, pulling out her abilities and explanations as to why we need her vision. But here at home, editing this video was another story.
It took me many, many hours to edit the one hour mostly because the sound was so poor. I had to write down everything as a subtitle. My ‘fancypants’ new-ipad-microphone wasn't quite as smart as I thought it would be. I had to work to block out sound with various different editing-systems and make the subtitles, which took time. As I took the time, I really was able to listen to the information that Andrea gave me on my birth chart. And that was heavy- at first, as I had to understand what i had managed to CHANGE and what not.

It transpires, that what I most wanted was going to be most difficult- almost impossible to have. That's not very nice is it? (It is like setting yourself the most difficult task and seeing how you do.)
Kudos to Andrea for finding out my true birth time and be able to create my chart appropriately. I had no idea this could be done: reverse-engineering adding family birthdates to check the actual time of birth.
It was wonderful to use my chart as an example of how we really need to use this tool for our children to help them throughout their childhood as the parents or the educators.
Some of the difficulties of a birth chart can be mitigated. Or the child could receive support if there is this awareness. Each human has their own choices challenges and passionate desires. EVERYTHING CAN be alchemised and mutated, brought higher through Spiritual alignment. Tis was my biggest take-away. We cannot let these tools confine or lift us. We ought to use these tools as a springboard to understand, develop, and EXPAND.
So I invite you to watch this. I would suggest you read the subtitles -the sound is still tricky. It's in a funny, charming café with lovely coffee -I would recommend it as a good place to go- but I paid for the nice aesthetic I wanted, rather than being in a boring, quiet room!

Andrea's website: www.thelightpath.co.uk

A couple of small corrections:
10.27 minute "ex-boyfriend" not "ex-boss".
10:02minutes I wrote “ because Uranus the energy of the planet increased in Aquarius” what Andrea said was “ Uranus is the planet that rules Aquarius”

If you love this video, please buy me a coffee


or you can book a session:

“My mission, is to teach people to be their full selves. - That’s always been it, whether it’s a child, or an adult, you know- it’s always been that.”

6 week one on one INSPIRITION TRAINING IN :
remote viewing,
communication with Spirit,
investigating through the Akashic Field

1.Book me as a Speaker
for your public talks on Education & Homeschool
How to Enable and Allow the Spirit of Your Child to Flourish, using practical examples of teaching practice, advice on preparing the environment (emotional, physical, spiritual) and examples of best practice.


2.A Play in Two Days: Put on a play over a weekend Ages 6-13
A tool to enable your children to stretch their imagination, & creativity and earn themselves self-trust in the process. http://www.inspirition.biz/the-speaking-house/a-play-in-two-days-.html

3.Book One-on-one Performing Arts Sessions ( in person or online):
Book here for private Singing, Acting or Dancing lessons :for your child’s improved confidence, imagination, creativity and spiritual connection.
(Musical coaching, voice development, nerve-reducing, tone-improvement, Improvisation, confidence, imagination-stimulus, script-writing, interpretation, physical characterisation)

4.Be Inspired by My Books:
From Duty to Joy: The handbook for children’s 5-D learning.

The Source-Energy Handbook to Activating Your Creativity

Transmissions From The Planet Zog Books 1,2,&3 Milo & Teal: Birds of a Feather, Vibration Works, & How to Transition.
Stories from future Earth (Zog)

Singing Rainbows: a handbook to using and activating your full singing voice

Brave Souls: How to Act good and Feel better
A guide to the workings of your human emotions and how to successfully transition through them.


5.Play Packages: learning packages to equip your home or place of learning with self-directed, experiential play-tools http://www.inspirition.biz/play-packages.html

6.INSPIRITION @The Speaking House Full ‘Teacher/Facilitator’ Training:
Training to become an INSPIRITION facilitator, and found your own Speaking House school of experiential learning.
Much of this methodology was practiced during Lemurian times on this planet.

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Dr. Isabel Aimee Berkeley



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