The UK is about to be taken through the Darkness

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The UK is about to be taken through the Darkness

Join me live today where we will be taking a look at what has taken place since the UK Election results and to connect this with the overall plan tying more of this story together

Corruption has been rife throughout the UK for decades and many of the faces we are being shown at the moment, are going to connect everything together. From Wars, to Peadoifilia, Satanism, Trafficking,Money Laundering, Corruption, immigration and everything else in between.

The UK is a tiny island in comparison to America, which means the Nation is so much easier to Psyop in such a short space of time.

When we let go of Countries, Religion, Politics, Race and every other label. This Awakening is about Evil and Go(o)D

We are in Biblical Times

Join me today live on Rumble at 10.15pm GMT/2.15pm PT


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