Moon Facade? Nibiru? Blown TF up?!? BOOM!

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Referencing back to the May 13th, 2024 #livestream “Moon Happenings- Physical Viewing Remote Viewing #RV War On Moon?” video ( I feel some validation with this “Moon Facade” umbrella-like device. Updating my initial thought that I was viewing it with the regular moon… I’ve made other videos referencing Nibiru, and it’s encroachment during the April 08, 2024 eclipse “#Eclipse2024, The Astrophysics Fedora, #DevilComet? (Nibiru, Nemesis)“ ( so it’s very possible and likely Nibiru would hide itself, and also likely it would be hidden by Earth’s military so people won’t freak out about seeing a space war! Let’s watch some strange videos, like what looks like the moon making an eclipse and skimming right over Alaska/Canada, confirmed by weather cams, plus a video from Melbourne, Australia of what looks like a moon-sized celestial object in dark sky getting blasted by space ships and bursting with hellfire. Looks a lot like the picture I drew in the RV back on May 13th! Cool. Nibiru and Nibiruans are toast. #ByeFelicia #PraiseBe #GoldenEra #DeleteTheElite #UNRIG #ShrugTheBug This could also be CGI, #FakeNews, digital animation, etc so I’m taking that into consideration here. Entertaining nonetheless. It’s getting harder to take seriously anything projecting from these Liquid Crystal Displays, is it not?

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