#青蒿素:20230807 麦卡洛 医生:草药和补充剂,有效的'天然'药物

8 months ago

#青蒿素:20230807 麦卡洛 医生:草药和补充剂,有效的'天然'药物
Why Herbs and Supplements Work as "Natural" Medicines
Profile in Valor with Dr. Michael Gaeta
AUG 07, 2023
By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
As a practicing doctor of medicine specializing in internal medicine and cardiovascular diseases, I am largely in the professional business of prescribing medications that patients pick up at pharmacies. I have always known alternatives exists, but I have never spent time or study in the world of homeopathic, naturopathic, holistic, functional, or integrative medicine. To be honest, I don’t even know what the best term to describe this specialty. I can tell you since the onset of the pandemic and the wholesale loss of confidence in traditional allopathic medicine, patients are leaving their doctors in droves seeking naturopathic physicians and other caregivers.

I sat down with Dr Michael Gaeta who is a dietician-nutritionist, herbalist and acupuncturist with 33 years clinical experience in Chinese and functional medicine. He has trained 20,000 practitioners over the last 29 years, including a certification program and several online courses in wholistic health, and clinical and practice success. I had met him several times at meetings and listen to him lecture. I can tell you from the very first lecture I was impressed. He is on point, evidence based, and makes this big and complicated field more manageable to understand.

Please listen to the entire didactic about natural medicine as I had him focus in on one herb at the end, Artemisinin Forte contains which contains Sweet Wormwood extract. He ranked its antimicrobial properties highest for parasites, virus, fungus, and bacteria in that order. I learned from Dr. Gaeta that Artemisinin is a phytomedicine with broad-spectrum antiviral activity. Artemisinin and its antimalarial properties were discovered by the Chinese scientist Tu Youyu, who became one of the laureates of the 2015 Nobel Prize the same year ivermectin was recognized in Stockholm.

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