Sunday Support Day - Spotlighting a fellow Streamer in American Truck Simulator

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Since it's Sunday we're supporting other streamers, this week we are raising a glass to a long time trucker here on Rumble, GAME DRAIN!!! Go show your Late Night Ramblings support by going and checking him out on Rumble,

Join the CONVOY!

1. Join the Convoy by visiting the Convoy's Discord channel here,

2. Update your ATS config file to allow up to 128 players. Instructions can be found here, Locate the config.cfg file in your American Truck Simulator folder located in My Documents. (If you need help send Ironstorm a message on Discord for an invite to the Lizard Lounge voice channel.)

3. Sign into ATS, hover on Convoys, click on Convoy Lobby and look for "Big Daddy's Team - 128 Players - Read Description!. Once you're in the Convoy hit us up and join in on the fun!

Thanks to all you crazy Ramblers!

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