˹Even˺ if a deed were the weight of a mustard seed.. Surah Luqmân Chapter 31, Verse 16

2 months ago

In this video, we delve into the profound wisdom of Surah Luqmân, Chapter 31, Verse 16. Luqmân advises his son about the significance of even the smallest deeds, symbolized by the weight of a mustard seed. This verse highlights that no action is too insignificant in the eyes of Allah, emphasizing His omnipresence and omniscience. Join us as we explore the layers of meaning in this verse and reflect on the importance of mindfulness, integrity, and accountability in our daily lives. Whether you are a Muslim or someone interested in understanding Islamic teachings, this video offers valuable insights into the divine wisdom and moral guidance of the Quran. #quran #islam #faithjourney #spiritualjourney #knowledge

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