Kim Iversen: I think many of us are now really skeptical of all vaccines

7 months ago

"When it comes to vaccination in general, I think many of us are now really skeptical of all vaccines, I know I certainly am, ever since Covid. That was such an eye opener for so many of us where it was like, I trusted them, I trusted doctors, I trusted the medical community, I assumed that they were kind of this unpolitical, non political entity, that was just looking out for health and we knew that the big pharma companies were a problem.

But I think the pandemic really just opened so many of our eyes to the fact that this is just another corrupted industry, unfortunately with a lot of people that, they're looking to get rich, they've got a lot of mechanisms to do it, the pay for play with the FDA, these advisory boards for the CDC, with all these people that are working for these pharmaceutical companies.

And even just the way that labs like research institutions are funded, just universities, how they're even funded, they get grants from certain companies and organizations and foundations..."

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