What is Barzakh and Where is barzakh mentioned in Quran?

3 months ago

@islamichistory813 #Barzakh #Quran #IslamicBelief

What is Barzakh and Where is barzakh mentioned in Quran?

Asslamoalaikum sisters brothers friends and elders we are describing in this islamic informative and educational video, that the concept of Barzakh as mentioned in the Quran, delving into its meaning and significance in Islamic belief. We will discuss the Quranic references to Barzakh and its role as an intermediary realm between life and the afterlife, shedding light on its spiritual and metaphysical implications. Please be with us upto end of this video in this enlightening exploration of Barzakh and its place in Islamic teachings.

Mentioned in the Quran (see Surah Al Araf verse 46-49), as the barrier between the corporeal and ethereal, Barzakh is portrayed as a place in which, after death, the spirit is separated from the body – freed to contemplate the wrongdoing of its former life.

"And between them will be a partition, and on [its] elevations are men who recognize all by their mark. And they call out to the companions of Paradise, “Peace be upon you.” They have not [yet] entered it, but they long intensely." (7:46)

"And when their eyes are turned toward the companions of the Fire, they say, “Our Lord, do not place us with the wrongdoing people.”" (7:47)

"And the companions of the Elevations will call to men [within Hell] whom they recognize by their mark, saying, “Of no avail to you was your gathering and [the fact] that you were arrogant.”" (7:48)

"[Allah will say], “Are these the ones whom you [inhabitants of Hell] swore that Allah would never offer them mercy? Enter Paradise, [O People of the Elevations]. No fear will there be concerning you, nor will you grieve.”" (7:49)

We pray to Allah Almighty to give us permission to read, understsand and follow Quran and Hadith, Allah Hafiz


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